Sorry, Haurut, but you don’t seem to understand the tenacity that folks have for cheating/exploitation. Yes, if legitimate players cheat, and they are caught and suspended/banned, the majority of them will give up and either stop playing or learn to play legitimately.
That isn’t generally the folks you are dealing with though. The ones you see the most often, those that seem to pop up every time you remove another, make a living by exploiting games like ours. They do so because there is a market for it, and as long as there is a market for something it will continue to happen to some degree or another.
I really wish people would stop with “new” label. We’re the same folks that we have always been. Nothing has changed with how we address exploitation and other such violations. Outside of maybe the technology and methods updating, as they are always doing.
No one appears to think it’s funny, Haurut, nor is it relevant if others have PvP’d or not. The information they are providing is correct. The best way to help address exploitation is to use the reporting system as you are able to when you encounter those you suspect.
I will correct one thing though, Game Masters don’t really address this type of exploitation. It falls to our Hacks team, and while they use the data from reports reactively, they are also very much proactive as well.
You will never know the shear volume of protections that are in place that keep out and block some of the worst exploiters, or systems that are in place that help our team automatically detect them.
Cheating is a moving target though because the methods of cheating aren’t the same as they were a few years ago, or a few months ago, it is constantly evolving and we are constantly working to evolve with it.