How many subs does blizz have now?

Is the new expansion worth getting if there is not enough people to keep it going?


If the game was in that much trouble, they would go to free-to-play like all failing MMOs.


Nobody knows.

But on the servers I play on, it doesn’t feel like an empty world. Plenty of people in the new content. And I can round up an Andros raid pronto. So don’t care!


Hard to say but they are clearly doing well. Independent sources still talk about WOW as being one of the top handful of MMOs out of the hundreds that come and go each year.

What’s confusing is that the forums are dominated by people who love to hate the video games they are playing and there are plenty of YouTube CCs to feed those people rage bait to up their ad rates.

But there is little connection between that small percentage of the player population and reality.


Nobody knows the sub count, but people are able to run content so there’s enough to “keep it going” as it were.

You might not get a group instantly, but then this was always the case even when the game was at its’ peak.


At least 5


I’m thinkin at least… 10

Everyone left to play diablo immortal which is clearly a superior game where money is the king(just like in real life).

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I’m really interested in what number of subs you think would make the new xpac worth buying.

They wouldn’t be making an expansion if there weren’t enough people.


Idk, you’d have to check the fridge in the break room


MMO players obsession with sub numbers is wild. It’s like you’re not allowed to enjoy the game if there’ aren’t 1 million other players also enjoying it. 500k? unacceptable.

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5 million ish

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Not really MMO players… largely WoW players. Until FFXIV/ESO only SWtOR hit at least a million, the rest were in the <500,000 at their peak.

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They are expanding community size by removing the unnecessary player divides (e.g. factions, cross server restrictions, server based AHs) so there will be enough people to do whatever you want

Isn’t EQ still going? I remember when they were the big player in the space and bragged hard about 400k TOTAL, not even concurrent total, players. But if wow has a dip below 10 million the games ded. Can only enjoy a thing if it is popular.

Give the OP a break. Maybe they’re still in high school and thinks popularity matters.

Yep, they are on something like their 20th expansion. Warcraft people are just too… silly… to recognize that WoW was always the anomaly (probably still is), and the game will probably not reach the point of not being able to support itself until decades from now. Better odds that they shutter it than it gets to a point of unplayability.

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can’t see subs, can see active players

from active players you can draw an inference but it is obviously a guess as to how many people are subbed without playing

there is also active players in classic but it can be hard to tell how many are overlapped with retail vs only playing classic

without any doubt whatsoever, active players are down over 85% from launch


Blizzard could afford a few SSN’s for sure, i dont know how they’d go getting congress to let them have the powerplants though. SSBN’s are off the table. Imagine Blizzard having a bunch of Trident D5 missiles. scary!