How Many Players Actually Know What They are Doing?

You assume everyone is like you or close who you are. When in fact people are different from all around the world and different ages. Due to this every online game will always have players that will know things you don’t and you will know things they don’t.

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Because the game has no mechanism to teach them these things. There is absolutely nothing in-game to clue them in.

For example: Interrupts. No way to know when to use them. Since they don’t always work (timing or immunity) the player does not correlate an interrupt to anything unless they get lucky.

I went for years and years not knowing when to use them, so never learning to. Until I read on the forums about them, then did research on Icy Veins and also asking on the forums, I had no idea.

Lucky for the player base, I don’t pug either. :wink:

But blame the game designers.


If you don’t know what you’re doing and you don’t care, there’s nothing wrong at all with that. Play the game however you like.

Group content though where the content requires you to know what you’re doing, just save everybody the hassle and don’t try it.

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This is fair, and also why I play the game 100% solo. If I die then it’s just me going “Oh well that’s dumb”. If I screw up in group content then it messes things up for other people. Nobody wants that.


I’m not great. That being said, I dont subject anyone else to my disinterest in maximizing my characters potential. :smile:

In game, yes. In real life, no. Not a clue. Over 40 and I’m hopelessly lost.

they just don’t care. it’s no deeper than that. it’s a game they don’t care to “get better” at, and if they can’t bumble their way into the rewards they want, they just quit. not good or bad, just how it is.

I have no idea what I’m doing half the time, but I put on a very good show of appearing otherwise.

Objectively incorrect.
Pick unholy DK for example. If someone wants to spam scourge strike without ever applying wound with festrering strike, their dps will be terrible, because they are not supposed to play this way. The class is specificially designed with a gameplay style in mind that is SUPPOSED to be the right way to play. This applies to literally every single spec in the game without exception.

Can’t just play a tank without using your active mitigation. Can’t just play a healer and only use CDs. Can’t be a rogue and spam finishers on 2 combo points every time. Can’t be an arcane mage and only spam barrage. Can’t be a BM or surv hunter without pet, just because you can be a MM hunter with a pet doesn’t mean other weird gameplay style are viable they all have a supposed way to be played correctly.

You might just be the kind of person OP is describing.

well… i mean actually you CAN play all of these ways

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At least we have Captain Garrick to teach us how to press 1 every thirty seconds.

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You guys just keep training the Wulf AI more and more

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Okay it’s semanticday. Replace all the “can’t” in my post with “not supposed to”.

well, see then you’re telling people how to play, and as a poster above mentioned, unless you’re paying my sub i’ll play however i’d like, thank you very much

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People are emotionally, physically and mentally tired; they come here for a respit and have to deal with long queue times, toxicity & other factors which make it as bad as IRL so they act out.

Wait if I start paying for your sub you have to play how I tell you to?

Can I just make you farm gold for me 24/7 then?

sure why not


Little does he know I’ll be using the gold he farms to buy wow tokens to pay for my account and his!

The ultimate scheme

Tell me…how is a class supposed to be played?

Is there some guidance that blizzard has put out on the proper way to play the game?

I was under the impression that you could play the game any way you wanted to play it.


Design intent is something to consider. Though I am of the philosophy that if you are able to complete the level of gameplay you are at with whatever way you want to play…then it’s a valid play style.

Like if you only tank low level content or really only do solo stuff, then maybe you can survive without having to worry about your mitigations as much. That probably wasn’t the intent, but the goals are still being accomplished.

(Though I would argue that handicapping yourself might also increase frustration and what not and that kind of kills the argument cause if you are playing in a non standard way and not having fun/accomplishing your goals…then like… that really is a “shouldn’t do” situation. Since the literal goal is to accomplish goals/have fun)