How many pets are you getting from Plunderstorm?

Please no complaining or negativity. Simple question.

How many of the three pets are you getting from Plunderstorm?
It looks like I will be getting two out of three.

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All of them, hopefully. Little by little I’m working towards Renown 40-- today I’ll hit 10 when I go play a few games and do my daily complete quest.


It depends on how long the event lasts and how things play out

If you believe the forums, some players have already hit 40. I don’t think there is a lot of incentive to play beyond that

So there could be a scenario where a lot fewer players are playing the game towards the end. So it may not be as hard to hit 40 in a few weeks

OTOH, it may turn out that some players will just hang out to gank others for no purpose. At a certain point I may not care about the pets


Maybe one. Maybe two. We’ll see. It’s a looong way from two to three.

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All 3, if i could do Heroes of the Storm, i can do this, at least one level a day should do it



Not worth it.


I have two so far, but hope to get all three. I’m around 14 or 15 renown currently. I’ll do at least the main quest each day and some extra matches if possible and see where it gets me. I used to play in war mode a lot and although it could be annoying to die, the best thing you can do is try not to get frustrated when you die and just immediately queue again (or in the case of retail rez and go again).


This is so true. I’ve found that I actually enjoy the game in small doses. When I start to feel like it’s getting too frustrating, I just take a break. I don’t want to grind it all night long or anything, but I can easily get 2-4 levels of rep a day if I take breaks when I feel frustrated.

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I play 4 hours today, never win a match but achieve 13, will keep farm until i get all three pets.

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I have 2 and am stopping there, though it breaks my heart. Have to prioritize my mental health.


I hear ya Daned. I am at 2/3 myself. I am considering my options. I know if I go all the way to 30 for the pet, I might as well go 40. We shall see.


If you like mogs too, it may just be worth it to finish the grind. I think the set looks store-worthy, and since I’m grinding for the pets and the trader’s tender (which is 33 if I remember correctly) I’m just going to push through the whole grind.

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I got to 30 on the second day. And now am doing 2-3 matches a day till the event ends.


I just hit 40 last night and it was a lot quicker than I expected. I got into it more than I thought I would and definitely played more than a few matches. :sweat_smile: I will still play, though, because the game style has grown on me and I enjoy the challenge to see how long I can survive. For those still grinding, I wish you luck as you continue your renown farm!


Finally received Glamrock. I’m going to keep pushing to 40 (it’s just 10 more, if I made it through 30 I can finish this lol). I’ve found that there are some amusing ways to play that don’t hurt the PvP’ers as well, like seeing how long I can last using the bush to hide, and that made the grind a lot easier and more entertaining on my end, even with the inevitable defeat.


That’s awesome! I am at 26 now, and I will be going to 40. I have several spots now that are pretty empty. I like to hide in deep water and wait for the storm. It’s my “silent protest” for having to play a game to get items I want. Viva la resistance!!

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Snap! I just hit 26 as well. Once I developed some familiarity with landing places. and my Gráinne Method ™ of doing a match, I can knock out several a day without feeling bad.

So the third pet is now in sight, and I will probably then slow down but do a couple per day to eventually land at 40 for the transmog - which I will probably never wear :stuck_out_tongue:

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