Sort of? It’s a matter of putting existing parts together…
- You can spend tokens on a subscription to retail World of Warcraft.
- They’ve said that you can play Classic as part of a subscription.
Sort of? It’s a matter of putting existing parts together…
Yes tokens can be used to buy sub time aswell as cash or time cards. The method of payment does not matter aslong as you’re subbed to wow you can play classic. At some point someone paid cash for the token so blizzard still gets their money. You also do not have to own BFA to be considered subbed to wow.
I wont be subbing until classic comes out. I barely played legion but i did get it, and WoD I stuck with for several months before getting frustrated and bored. I skipped cata and MoP though. What i want is hte oldschool game and that is waht i am going to pay for
Says the level 100 Pandaren Monk…
That’s the plan. Might still buy a token for a month’s worth of play at some point if starter account levels of play get too boring. Fulling willing to resub and actually buy BFA if Sylvanas is confirmed raid boss and we can /emote at her beaten corpse- and that’s speaking as someone who slightly prefers the Horde storyline.
I’m waiting to sub again.
I subbed at the start of Legion and BFA and both times only lasted a single month.
Who is dressed entirely in boosted gear and doesn’t have the 6th-9th anniversary pets.
Dec 28 , this sub runs out and will stay offline till Classic.
I resubbed my main account just so I could redownload the client and all of the game files and get used to playing without any addons. I created a few low level characters (paladin, rogue) to get the feel for the game again, but I’m already bored with them at level 30, it’s just way too easy. I’ll leave my sub active until Classic launches, but I doubt I’ll play very much between now and then.
Zandalari took too long to become playable, as they probably aren’t playable yet so I decided to not stay because they give you hardly anything when patches come out and decide to slowly release content that should of been there day 1 over a course of months that aren’t raid tiers.
Not a fan of that especially with legion fall patch having less then the wod thing camera day 1.
I havent been subed since the start of Legion and would not consider resubing for BFA because Blizzard will not change the massive problems I have with the game.
I hope to resub for Classic but I am fearful Blizzard will mess it up.
I truly hope Blizzard will learn what made WoW so good with Classic and we will see big changes to the current game because I would really love to play through new content with the excellent game play that Vanilla and TBC WoW had.
TLDR: I want to resub and buy the new expacs but there needs to be a big change in the direction of the game that I dont think Blizzard will make any time soon.
Thank you for the update on things. There are other older MMO’s I have heard talk of. Such as UO and ESO. But, I am very put off by the idea of all the microtransactions. I would enjoy getting into P99 if there wasn’t such an obscure way of doing so.
That being said, I am very eagerly awaiting the release of Pantheon. There was another one in progress I just can’t remember the name of it at the moment.
As far as the pay to play goes. I don’t have an issue with that at all. I started playing EQ back in 99 and would have no issues paying to be able to enjoy that game again. I enjoyed that game off and on up till the [The Serpent’s Spine] expansion of 2006. I started to lose interest in it at that point. And started getting more serious than I was with WOW.
Unsubbed till Classic, no fun to be had in retail so I’m not paying them until we get the fun content.
Wouldn’t want Blizzard to think there’s something right in retail now would we?
Quoting for perfection!
Haven’t been subbed since mid wotlk, wotlk killed wow.
I’m on the fence about BfA.
Have yet to play it and have been tempted. But, I just re-upped my sub to FFXIV and will probably focus on that until Classic releases, then will sub to both.
I unsubbed as soon as they announced that there will be a shared sub. I will wait to resub until classic comes. I don’t want Blizzard thinks I am supporting retail and the changes they made to classic. I will only support the old game that I once loved.
The only real reason I’m subscribed at present is because there hasn’t been a WoW Beta Test in my memory(aside from the very first one) that did NOT require an active WoW subscription at some obscure point in time that often happens to coincide with a date prior to anybody knowing about a public beta.
And since I’m subscribed, I’m occasionally logging in to mess around in the live content, but as I said, its more about making sure I’m eligible for any Classic Beta Tests that come along.
I find it extremely doubtful there will be a beta for Classic. It’s not a new game.
And let’s say you’re right, and there is a beta, you could just sub once that happens. No need to give Blizzard any money now.
It is and it isn’t. It is old data placed on a new engine. If nothing else, it should be tested to make sure that everything folded together properly. This should be standard procedure for any programming venture, no matter how old.