How many of you won't be playing TBC?

I am tempted to sell weapon boosts in TBC but the Bracket will be trash so I am not exactly all that interested in TBC (by Blizzard) any more.

As for “Classic” I am likely to keep my PVP rogue on Classic now and just go play on endless for TBC Arena because its gonna be ENDLESSLY better than this nonsense BS from Blizzard.


If they make a fresh server I would roll on that but I’m afraid their won’t be enough players playing Classic to advance my character anymore. Wait and see I guess.

I’ll play it, in fact, I actually cannot wait for it to launch.

I dont get it. First season of TBC the only pvp gear you had whitout ratings was the blue one. Second season you could buy the old s1 set with honor and marks.
What did they change exactly?

Seasons 1 and 2 had no rating requirements at all. It offered people many BiS items mostly weapons that filled gaps in gearing a fresh toon.

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I think classic is hot trash, and retail isn’t any better. Was really looking forward to TBCC, but not so much now.

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I love how you casual andy’s want and willingly accept “welfare epics” because you lack the skill and the ability to play the game at any higher level than the basic npc’s. The same kind of people that want their participation trophies, free EBT cards, and free government welfare.


I will end you.

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Of that I have no doubt. :skull_and_crossbones:

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Say it with me “willingly accept systems that were in place as is and weren’t detrimental to the playerbase”. Not updating the game to be a clone of retail and it’s pvp system which people hate and discourages participation. Also welfare legendaries were already a thing so why are you upset at the concept of people pvping with equal ilvl gear in the first two seasons. Kara is basically steamroll free epics so pvp having an equivalent entices people to try even if they know they aren’t sweaties who honed their craft for years on private servers in arena.

Sounds to me like you are mad that other players will have similar gear and you want to gatekeep items that were not behind a giant hurdle in the first place.


I will still play TBC, but after I actually hit 60 on this guy. I had some major life events that took me out of the game after launch. Came back and decided to start from scratch. TBC was what I consider my “golden age” as a player. It was when I had the most friends playing and had the most fun.

The arena changes don’t really affect me, even if I end up playing enhancement. I know who I am, and I’m setting goals for myself. With my level of casual playing, my goal is to hit max and get kara attuned.

If I can find a guild that won’t require memorization of math spreadsheets and for me to change my professions based on what phase we’re in, then my first big goal is to complete Karazhan. I don’t mind putting in work, but I am just not convinced T4 requires bleeding edge mentality. It makes me stressed and it isn’t fun for me. I don’t mean to disparage folks who want to be the very best they can though.

People in classic right now seem very far from a casual mindset. It is what it is.

I like how you cite the way it was as a reason to not implement it the way it was.

No one here cares about S3/4 because that’s how it was. But they want S1 and 2 to be how it originally was.

Why is that so selfish/participation trophy to want things how they actually were? Especially in freaking S1.

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i will be the 10%! is a goal
you can stay farming your WBs and lol parse on the single 40man the server will be able get going

Already played it, don’t see a reason to do so again.

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doesn’t Classic get Arena in the pre-patch?

will that Arena move over to Classic Era realms?


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You must be new here, welcome to the MMO genre! A genre where you need to spend time playing (and getting better at it) to obtain desired items :slight_smile: . It’s OKAY for people to not be able to obtain certain items, since when did rewarding everyone for not putting in the work has been acceptable?

“Classic was good because epic gear was epic! You had to earn your gear!”
2 years later


If I dont get 19 splinters in 3 lockouts im out.

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I unsubbed today. I hadn’t been playing anyway in the last 6 months. All I wanted was fresh TBC servers that were transfer locked… but thats apparently too much to ask. I’d have turned a blind eye to their dirty money grubbing tactics to extort as much money out of people possible if they had at least given us Fresh TBC servers… but yeah without that. I’ll play something else. FFXIV is in a great spot, and New World is releasing in a few months.