How many name their in game pets after their IRL pets?

I myself have an otter named Maverick because I have a full blooded dapple dachshund. And a bear named Gypsy after my Newfoundland I’m about to get! What about you all?


I’ve got a black and white striped tiger named Yoshi after my irl cat Yoshi who is also black and white striped.

As a pvper it makes me sad that I can’t use him as ferocity just isn’t that helpful :frowning:

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I hear you! Wish we could change their specs

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I have a BE area fire-bird thingy named “Stravinsky”.

I have a wolf named “Prokofiev”.

I have a bear named “Berlioz”. :heart:




Oh! And I have a shadehound/seeker/soulhunter pet named “Marle” - named after a guy in the original Baldur’s Gate pc game, from 'way back.

There’s another npc in BG that is near him that says
“Heh, you tell 'em, Marle!”
It just always stuck with me. lol :slight_smile: :heart:


Yes, I have a cat named Oliver, so I used to name all my cats ingame Oliver.

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I named my lupine Olaf after my dog and my wife named her tiger after our cat Nomad who passed away years ago. I think it’s really common to name pets after real life pets. I know a lot of my friends do this as well.