How many is too many characters

I have 5 characters. I play 2 of them allot. I’m an altaholic. Sometimes the characters I don’t have I want because of the fancy transmogs. How many is too many characters to play at a high level. To really push m+ and mythic raid? Is 5 allot is 2 too much is all 13 insane? I’ve seen people with 20-30 alts


I play 8 weekly, another 13 sporadically if I get bored.

I don’t mythic raid or do high m+ however. All my common 8 characters are between 465-475 ilvl.

As for what is too much? That is subjective. Really depends how much time one has on their hands.

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If you hit the realm cap multiple times, I say you have too much.


Ask Mr. Owl

The World may never know


I have three accounts, so around 150 characters.

Over the past almost 20 years I’ve played each one with love and attention. Many have full Garrisons, and about 20 are Bankers for everything I don’t want to sell.
(I have a beautiful book I write in that details every Banker and what they hold in their Guild Banks. All my Bankers are level 30, then I stop their xp, and all wear rare gear or stuff removed from the game.)

I’m finicky and obsessive enough to manage this many characters. I always Mained Healers, but haven’t enjoyed Healing in a while, so now I just play whomever I’m in the mood to play. Today it’s my rogue. (I’m a BAD rogue player!)

Most of my Characters were made a long time ago. I never want to make new ones anymore, and if I do I have another account (or two!) that I can re-sub to.

So, for me… there is no such thing as too many characters!


Are your WoW plans getting in the way of your real life goals or needs? If so, yes it’s too many. That’s more about the total time you spend playing than the amount of characters, though. Actively gearing and maintaining more than 20 characters for example seems like too much to me, but it depends on the time you have to spare. When I retire, I plan on playing significantly more frequently. If you are doing it in your earned leisure time and enjoying it, good for you!


I have 26 level 70s at the moment, when Panda Remix begins, i’ll be leveling many more alts through that way.


I’m 34 years old, seems like I have a decent amount of free time these days from work. I guess 5 really isn’t so bad. I guess as I get older I just want to make sure 5 wasn’t too much considering I enjoy alts and want to push at a high level. Maybe 6 soon as demon hunters look fun and play well. Overall I’m fairly certain I probably won’t push all classes as I don’t like some of them like warrior, evokers, or rogue. (Sorry warriors, evokers, and rogues to each their own). I just don’t want to feel attached or dedicated especially at high level play. Much appreciated for all the comments


I agree with Rita that it depends on your IRL circumstances.

But to add onto it the secondary questions I’d be asking is;

  • Is this amount of gameplay getting in the way of something you really want to accomplish?

  • Are you living a healthy lifestyle? Is your spouse and kids able to rely on you (if applicable)? Is WoW hindering you from developing relationships that you should be?

  • Is your career impacted by WoW?

If any major circumstance is impacted by WoW maybe run it back and quit/play less/play fewer characters. If the answers to the above are ‘No I’m comfortable with WoW in regards to this aspect’ then you are fine.


For me, more than one actively played character is too much.

Doing the same stuff on multiple characters will inevitably burn me out and make me feel dissatisfied. Whenever I tried, I ended up playing too much (even more than I already do) and agonizing over which character should be the “main” one. I’m much happier just playing one character at a time. (I do have some alts for things like the Community Feast, but I don’t do any end game content with them.)


I don’t really see the point of going over 13 (1 of each class).

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Idk…I know some serious mythic raiders have 3/4 of the same class just for splits

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I don’t think the “how many is too many” question is really valid. Each of us plays the game the way we want to and enjoy. If that includes having a lot of alts, nobody needs to justify that number is ‘too many’.


If you’re in a group i think more than one is too many unless they don’t mind carrying each of your alts to their lvl. I had to drop a friend due to him having more alts than I can put up with.

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However many you have time and interest for. There is no wrong amount and you don’t need anyone here to validate what you do.


Ahhhh, that’s cute! I have 5 accounts (I only have one active at any given time). 4 of those are close to cap and I have probably deleted enough characters to fill an entire account. I have a problem, I know. I feel like each toon has it’s own personality. I don’t RP at all, but as I play them each one seems to develop into heir own unique “person”. I’ve considered just stop pretending and only play warlocks but I like warriors and paladins pretty well too.


A one, a two, three… Three.


I have a plethora of alts, but I don’t do dungeons or raids at high level, so most of mine are just for the fun of leveling, and then at 70 I’ve just been using them as my alt arm to farm old mounts or transmog from older content. I can’t bring myself to delete any high levels, but I sometimes think about remaking them and leveling them again just for the fun of it.
I have at least 3-4 low to mid levels I’m going to reroll for the MoP Remix, so they will get to 70 eventually, if I take them all the way. Once TWW hits I’ll just focus on my main and maybe 2-3 others over time, but mostly my main, and then once things settle down and I get a few to 80, then I’ll start the slow move of others to 80 as well. I don’t stress it though, and since I don’t do any of the boring end game stuff, leveling and questing is my fun. :smiley:


I play all 6 tanks and have a few other 70s.
The real question isn’t how many is too many, it’s how much time you spend on each.

5 of my tanks I payed gold in game to have them powerleveled, and they are sitting in Valdrakken running about 4 M+ a week each, enchant what I got, and log off. I don’t play them in the sense that other people play their characters. They’re there for M+ and having high gear. They don’t exist in the outdoor world.

The only real characters I play are this one and my hunter cos hunter is fun af to play and if Blizzard ever creates a hunter tank specc I’m leaving everything behind and play nothing but hunter. :stuck_out_tongue:

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How in the heck does one get to that point. It’s still the same game. And not enough…wow Professions…

I couldn’t imagine trying to have that many characters O_O