How many forum posts/comments do you flag per day?

Did you seriously just pull the “I have a gay friend” card?


We are done. I got more important stuff to do.


I maybe flag someone once a year and that is a big maybe.

What? I can’t be friendly with gay people now? You sound silly dude. I’m not lying as well. I have a job related to school.

Ngl this is some pretty expert trolling. I’m too impressed to even really be mad.

I don’t flag. I click away and ignore it. I don’t need to cry to daddy Blizz every time someone tries to hurt my feelings or trolls. I don’t need to silence people I don’t agree with. I’m an adult. Learning how to brush stuff off is part of being an adult.

Threats of violence would get a flag. That’s about it.


Quite a few, but the amount of people saying they really don’t should be evidence enough to not rely on user reports for action in most cases. Should enforce the rules equally even on single flags, but they don’t. The amount of toxicity and dogwhistles posted here and in game is staggering.

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Got a bunch of liars here I see


I agree with this approach. If the person is being too annoying – off to ignore land forever. If the thread is being too annoying – off to mute land forever.

Fun fact, I’ve added more people to my ignore list in the last 2 months than I have since I started playing the game (OG WoW) and the forums were a thing.

If you are being racist or violence - yea I flag it.
So maybe 2 or 3 a year.

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We’ve bent backwards (some by choice and mutual respect, others times because it was demanded) but it’s clearly time to adhere to this

The character of the person you’re talking to has dismissed your entire view point because you mentioned your own character.

If giving an example of you being a accepting person in your day to day activities isn’t enough… you did not bend backwards enough and now

The division worked.

I’m clearly wanting to go back to a better time. A time when we weren’t so polarized by topics that don’t really matter. We’ve been played by propaganda and real “mis-information” with the intent of dividing.

Kicking it off with c*vid, the mass formation psychosis was primed to make things pop off. We’re divided more than ever by race/gender/politics etc…

A swing back to some common sense is needed.


I agree with your points.

Well, I think common sense will win in the end, and I’d like to see it happen smoothly, but I don’t know if that will happen.

I’m getting more of a sense today of “you’re either on my side, or you’re an enemy” vibe with some people, and I don’t really like that at all. We’re all different, and most of us don’t really care about small differences. Only when people are forced to care does it create an issue.


I read the top part. Of what they said.

I got to the second part and face palmed and decided to walk away from the conversation before I said something else.

Just hopping back in to clarify that.

If you think my character is off well thats on you. I cant change how others think.

All I can do is control what I can do.


That was towards the end so you basically read the whole thing.

This was all you chose to reply to.

You know the part where he said he treated people in his day to day life… with mutual respect. That was a trigger for you and it probably shouldn’t be.

You really can’t control others and you won’t do yourself any favors by discounting their opinions based on… acting like their acceptance wasn’t “good enough”. You’re mocking him being civil and understanding in real life. Because he’s what… not bowing down to your logic on these forums or simply can’t understand you, because he’s not “part of the intentional division”.


We’ve evolved as a society folks.

Instead of assigning moral value based on religious denomination we now assign it based on ideological denomination and political affiliation. We are a very progressive society.


I will reply one able I’m currently working And driving

Debatable. But I like the optimism :slight_smile:


I don’t think flagging threads that violate the ToS is petty or childish.


I’m not sure if I have ever flagged a post. I’d throw a downvote if it were available (you would be eligible), but I don’t think I’ve ever been offended enough to choke off anyone’s voice.

It was sarcasm. We are quite regressive and totally lacking any self-awareness of it.


Post has to be pretty egregious for me to flag, but by the time I get there it will already be flagged into oblivion.

Instead I just have a long and distinguished ignore list.

Fun times.

Its going to be fun when people eventually realize it.

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