How many craftable pets are there?

So I know of:

  1. Pierre
  2. Rascal-Bot
  3. Jade Owl
  4. Sapphire Cub
  5. Enchanted Lantern
  6. De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
  7. Elementium Dragonling
  8. Mechanical Panderian Dragonling
  9. Ghost Iron Dragonling
  10. Mechanical Scorpid
  11. Mechanical Axebeak
  12. Lifelike Mechanical Frost Boar

and 13. Meat to Pet Transmute
(If you want to count that)

Am I missing any?

So the full list I have says:

  • Alchemy
    • Baby Crawg
    • Bloodfeaster Larva
    • Gearspring Hopper
    • Ridgeback Piglet
    • Slippy
    • Transmutatn
    • Thaumaturgical Piglet
  • Archaeology
    • Ancient Nest Guardian
    • Clockwork Gnome
    • Crawling Claw
    • Direhorn Hatchling
    • Fossilized Hatchling
    • Frostwolf Ghostpup
    • Pterrodax Hatchling
    • Restored Revenant
    • Voodoo Figurine
    • Wyrmy Tunkins
  • Blacksmithing
    • Soul of the Forge
  • Cooking
    • Leftovers
  • Enchanting
    • Enchanted Cauldron
    • Enchanted Lantern
    • Enchanted Pen
    • Enchanted Tiki Mask
    • Enchanted Torch
    • Magic Lamp
  • Engineering
    • De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
    • Lifelike Mechanical Frost Boar
    • Lifelike Mechanical Toad
    • Lil’ Smoky
    • Mechanical Axebeak
    • Mechanical Pandaren Hatchling
    • Mechanical Scorpid
    • Mechanical Squirrel Box
    • Personal World Destroyer
    • Pet Bombling
    • Pierre
    • Rascal Bot
    • Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
    • Trigger
  • Inscription
    • Chi-ji Kite
    • Yu’lon Kite
  • Jewelcrafting
    • Jade Owl
    • Sapphire Cub
  • Tailoring
    • Elekk Plushie
    • Imperial Moth
    • Imperial Silkworm

The gathering professions can also find (but not strictly “make”)

  • Fishing
    • Chuck
    • Ghost Shark
    • Giant Sewer Rat
    • Land Shark
    • Magical Crawdad
    • Muckbreath
    • Sea Calf
    • Sea Pony
    • Snarly
    • Strand Crawler
    • Tiny Blue Carp
    • Tiny Green Carp
    • Tiny Red Carp
    • Tiny White Carp
    • Toothy
  • Herbalism
    • Fel Lasher
    • Nightshade Sproutling
  • Mining
    • Ore Eater
  • Skinning
    • Fossorial Bile Larva

Whether this is still complete, I can’t say. It would appear your list is quite incomplete, however. Whether that’s exciting (yay more stuff to get!) or daunting (yay… more… stuff… to get…) is up to you.

list of craftable pets is halfway down this page:

Wait… can you post WoWHead without Forum Level 3 (or do you just happen to have level 3)?

i’m TL3 :slight_smile:

Ah, I’m not TL3. I didn’t even think to try and link the article. Your source is where I got my list!

Wow, that is much longer than I thought.