I currently have 52 characters, 22 that are Male and 30 that are Female. How many characters total do you have (level 1/10 starters count, mules do not) and what are the splits?
man, when I saw that thread title my mind went to how many kills do you have
Yeah after reading the OP, the title actually doesn’t make any sense anymore.
Edit: Ok OP changed the Title, it makes sense now.
My splits are usually upper body push, upper body pull, and legs. I’ll usually superset some opposing groups within these splits, so it’s slightly mixed.
Happy Sunday!
usually I do standard splits but occasionally I’ll do a split stand. Front splits are a lot easier to me than side splits.
Like 7, only 2 max level, only 1 geared.
Wait, didn’t they add 5 when Drac dropped? 130 if so.
I think I have to many, but, you have way more. I can’t keep up with them all but I really like them. I think I need more of me to play them all?
I have 65 active level 70 characters (I didn’t buy TWW), and 30+ deactivated characters.
How many characters do I have? Yes.
I think I have 3 at max level, and then I usually have an alt going. May stick with the DK for a bit though and not worry about alts.
I assume like me you farmed a crapton of Dalaran Defender stuff to fill them all? That’s why my stopping point is 52 as I don’t have anymore complete sets after that.
65 characters between level 70 to 80.
About 45 toons, I have my main toons I play, then when my nephew (14), niece (11) and their friends play, I will drop down to a toon in their level range and run with them, they need gear or weapons, I will go back to my higher levels and craft it for them.
25 atm (I went a bit wild with Remix and Pre-Patch (for me anyway))
I have 2 of each class except Druid…and Evoker obviously. 3 Hunters but that was done when you had to level for heritage. Two of them are 80s the rest are around level 72-73. As well one of every Alliance race for the heritage stuff, and one Blood Elf.
At max level? 4. The campfire crew. Mage (main), Warrior (second in command), monk and hunter. One for each armor type.
More than that, I don’t really have time for in a week.
10 at max level. 3 at 70. I deleted most of my alts because of how cluttered the new character select screen had become. I do have a few lowbies with names I may use at some point, but at least half of my characters are gone now.
I have 16 characters total. Of these, 11 are male and 5 are female, while 10 are alliance and 6 are horde. Only 1 is level 80, though I have 3 more that I will eventually level to 80. I have 10 characters that I login regularly for various things and 6 that are inactive.
Actually, I couldn’t give a snap about any of that stuff. I cancelled my account because of development decisions (game no longer fair or fun) ) and I won’t be back.
5 characters. 3 monks, 1 hunter, 1 death knight.