How many are keeping "The Gift"?

The fact you guys even helped a clearly dangerous magic item regain any form of power is absurd.

You should all know better by now.

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Only he can save us from what is to come.

We’re the same dudes who instead of destroying the phylactery of KT back in original Naxx, decided to sell it for 8 gold.

You can’t really expect anything from the PC but stupidness.


I mean, maybe you did. I did not.

hmmm even the blizzard employee is DEFINITELY keeping it oooooooohhhh boy that adds 10000% HYPE as to what it will end up doing if you keep it. N’zoth follower faction?!?!?!

I got rid of it as soon as I got it. Creepy man.

All the non-believers and those that have rejected his most generous gift shall be cleansed by our tentacled overlord! :ocean::octopus::ocean:

/moo :cow:


I have it on 3/5 of my toons. No plans to get rid of it.

I’m keeping it I hope N’zoth destroys azeroth and the game ends

Old gods are not exactly winning in the fight against Azeroth champions.

They are what? 0 for 4?

I am keeping it. For now.

All Hail the Black Empire

I will continue to wear it for my Tentacle Overloard(s)

Oh, I know what you mean. The fun I get from that is basically the only reason I keep doing Crucible.

I will. I want to see if there will be any benefit for those who keep it

I will keep it on one alt once I get it on one but cleansed it on this character as it does not make sense to me for a druid to keep it.

P.S. Our characters have rocks for brains or suffer from amnesia on a regular basis to keep helping obviously bad people. Seriously, not once do we go “hmm this seems wrong. I shouldn’t do this.”

If you has to earn it then it aint a gift.

Ive always heard the whispers.

I have it, I’m keeping it.

i have it on a horde alt i dont play, leaving it. i feel something will happen sooner or later :stuck_out_tongue:

I was hanging onto it but the game tells you what it does, really. If you go into some places with Void stuff, like the last boss of SotS, you’ll be able to understand them. The toy works just as well. I took it off because briefly the whispers literally were constant, loud, and approaching maddening. They fixed it after, so now you only hear it occasionally, but that and the fact that it hid my helmet – I have alts that can keep it if it’s a big deal when they go through it. I’m not wearing that ugly thing on my head just in case I happen across a void creature I can understand, and I can use the toy in any case.

Why I really took it off is it’s kind of a joke. If you still have it on, N’zoth still says “your eyes are closed” in Crucible. If there’s no reaction from N’zoth to the thing in Crucible, I’m fine with allowing an alt to go back later and do it.