How many are keeping "The Gift"?

Left it on my 340 something ilvl DK. Cleansed it on this character because he’s neutral good.

The whispers seem mostly to happen in Zan/KT? I rarely, if ever, hear them in older zones.

I liek Nzoths whispers

She hasn’t left those two islands since the release of BFA. Even sat in Boralus for two hours hoping to catch one. Nothing. Oh well, can’t be that important.

I’m definitely holding onto it on my main.


The real question is what will come with holding onto it. My Shadow Priest is Just dying (people) to know.

ive kept mine on my main. but that being said i am a little over the whispers drowning out my music/podcast im running in the background, and that the eye ruins my transmog (cant hide it or use a helm i want to show AKA my engineering goggles)

Y’all better make this worthwhile. I want a plot of land, a writ of passage and a stipend when the black empire returns.


My main does, I have to do the quest on another character to get the toy, but I am too lazy and tired for that.

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I’m keeping it on my Shadow Priest and Warlock, because it fits their RP theme. Scrubbing everyone else :smiley:

I’ve had it since day 1 of the quest line. My third eye has been opened. Nzoth has given me the enlightenment I have Desired!


I have had the Gift of N’Zoth on this Warlock and my Alliance Warlock since the quest was introduced.
I’m hoping we get something interesting.:crossed_fingers:
All hail N’Zoth. :ocean::octopus::ocean:


Keeping it on this girl, have it on my ally druid who I might cleanse now that priest has it and cleansed my horde druid.

I kept the gift. N’Zoth whispers sweet nothings in my ear all day long and keeps me company. I just wish I could understand what he’s saying.

I love you eyeball attached to my head.
You’re my only friend eyeball attached to my head.
Thank you for knowing I’m special eyeball attached to my head.


I wonder if we could get an official response with regards to whether we will be informed as the questline progresses if we’ll no longer have the option of removing the Gift.

I’ve kept it on one alt in case anything comes of it. Unless there isn’t, in which case I’d love to get rid of it.

Hmmm. I forgot I have * Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron

I should use that today and see…maybe it will go ‘New old god who dis?’

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It’s gonna feel bad when it finally gets removed and we get something lame like 40g and 120 AP for it.

I ain’t letting it go on this toon, even if there’s some sort of consequence.

The only thing that makes me wanna get rid of it, it’s how it overlaps on helmet mogs.

It ruins my set <.<

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