How many alts is too much?

I have every class except DH above level 50 and I have 8(?) characters at 60, you’re fine.

Uh, that alt is naked that’s exactly what I was talking about, if you don’t mind them being useless then you can have tons of them.

If not the current system(lots of them) is just no bueno for alts.

i mean… a toon i started one day i was bored and havent played since 2009 is not what I mean here. I have plenty of those myself.

Mine are all 50 and above :3

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I have six characters at 60.

My paladin and priest are about ilvl 225, and I mostly just try to get a single key done on each of them per week for the vault. My shaman and monk are both 218, and I might try and get a heroic sire kill on each on top of the key for the vault. I’ve been more actively playing my warlock and warrior, who both just broke 200 ilvl.

I just enjoy the process of gearing, and in truth I don’t really actively play more than two characters at a time.

Edit: It’s also worth mentioning that I don’t do all of the pointless grinds; I don’t grind 1k or rescue 50 souls anima because I’m already at 34+ renown. I don’t do callings on anything but my freshest toons when they need conduits. I don’t care about the weekly dungeon quests, or world quests that don’t give me conduit / gear upgrades, or anima farming. The only chore I concern myself with is Torghast, and that’s cause I actually somewhat enjoy it. I primarily just run m+ on my characters.

2 alts is nowhere near enough.

Tried to keep up with 6, too much. Cut it down to 5. Nope. Cut it down to 4, one for each covenant. I can do that if one of them gets played very casually…basically, I can at most, for sanity sake, do torghast and m+s on 3 characters.

There is only a 50 account limit.

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In BFA I had every class max level. I only did M+ and Visions on 2 of them though. And a couple I did PVP sometimes.
The main reason I had so many was to farm Xmog, Mounts, and Professions. Having every profession made it so no matter what material I got on any of my characters I had someone to mail it to. I would then use it for the profession and throw it on the AH. It really came in handy.

I have about 40 and I plan on leveling all of them. I think you can never have too many alts unless you’re planning on gearing all of them seriously.

Why do you feel obligated?

I would be miserable being even the least bit competitive. I just don’t find it fun at all.

I have fun playing WoW, not working WoW.

I have 3 characters I play regularly and 2 I dabble with every now and then, all max. Just depends on the person!

51 is too much

I don’t know yet how many is too many because I only have 100 characters so far and only 10 are level 60 and only 6 have ilevels over 200 and 40 renown. But a bunch of others are catching up fast.

I remember seeing a screenshot of someone who had a laundry list of alts.

1-2 alts is plenty for me.

I have currently a total of 40 alts, all in one server. Got one guild for each Faction, but most are Horde. The 10 remaining slots are reserved for future Allied Races…IF they’re ever going to make it to the game again (I hope they do).

There are a list of reasons for having so many characters:

  • I like unique content for specific classes/races, such as Class Mounts,Heritage Sets and Questlines;
  • I really enjoy the leveling journey (my goal is to have them all at least on 50 - currently only 3 are 60);
  • The ground rule is no boosting. All my alts were leveled from scratch.
  • Professions variety / recipe hunting and some casual gold making (to pay for tokens at least)
  • Casual mount farming and Casual PVP: I really random BGs, and low-level PVP is quite fun (can also be disastrous if you face a twink squad)
  • My endgame is doing all quests/campaigns and collecting certain transmogs. The most hardcore I went on progression was off tanking Karazhan during TBC and doing Mythic+ on Legion.
  • Gameplay variety (hybrid roles at will) and freedom to do whatever you want (I remember back in the old days I spent too many time with a single class for years).

There are some downsides of having too many alts, and most of them were said already on this thread:

  • If you enjoy high end progression, maybe 1 or 3 might be enough;
  • Can lead to burnout very quickly if you keep doing repetitive stuff. I recommend trying to be creative while leveling and diversify as much as you can on the journey.

So, answering to OP’s question: It depends on how you want to play. There is no right or wrong answer applicable. Cheers

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I tapped out at 9 alts.

One. As in, one, single “alternative” character to your main, is an alt.

Anything more than your main and your alt is getting into unrealistic expectations as far as keeping them geared and competitive.

This also depends on amount of time to play.

The game is(and should be) designed for you to get wrapped up in playing a single character a whole lot.

Two hundred and one. Two hundred and one alts is too much OP.