…plan on playing on a PvP realm? It’s not a secret that warmode has been a disaster for retail, but I wonder how many people that plan to play Alliance will roll on a PvP realm once Classic launches. I plan to do this myself, a long with a group of friends, but I fear we may be severely outnumbered…
I hope we’re outnumbered. Quality > Quality
Quality over quality? Am I reading that right?
The majority of people play horde in retail because of racials.
And faction balance tends to sway left or right based on an expansions racials.
Just as if blizzard released a new expansion where Alliance had better racials, racial balance is different in vanilla and will change accordingly.
yes you are, I’m typing it wrong
At least 12.
23 24 now, cause my Aunt Thelma’s son’s next door neighbor’s 3rd grade teacher has just switched his commitment to PvP.
You are correct about that. I suppose back in vanilla the racials weren’t as widely balanced one way or another. Yes some things were better for certain situations, and Horde did tend to have more PvP focused racials (stun resists for orcs, warstomp for Tauren). Alliance do have some pretty great racials themselves (perception, stoneform, escape artist), but a lot of them tend to be more PvE focused. Fear Ward for Dwarf Priests will be amazing though.
I guess my concern is a majority of the Alliance will just roll PvE servers since their racials tend to suit that a bit more (not always). My hope is its at least close in numbers, even if its skewered toward the red bois.
i hope tons of ally roll on PVP servers, i need something to kill in my spare time
I hope so too! I fully expect the “if its red, its dead” line of thinking to be a thing. Also, going afk in the open world “a free kill”.
I think you’re going to find far more Alliance on PVP servers than Horde, like it was in Vanilla. There will be some Horde centric servers, but the majority of players are likely to roll Alliance.
Luckily CRBG’s make that irrelevant for all but WPVP.
I play horde strictly because they’re cooler. The alliance look like they belong in a Monty Python movie.
Hey, the Holy Grail was masterpiece theater.
I’m sure lots of players will roll Alliance in Classic for PvP. They actually do have some decent racials for PvP in weapon skills and Gnome/Dwarf. Paladins are also the best healers in the game, not even a contest with that one.
They also have good aesthetics in SW and Ironforge…Darnassus is meh. Alliance also have an edge in PvE with their racials (And again Paladins mostly are just too powerful as healers) which is where a lot of the good PvP gear comes from.
Don’t expect too many Alliance Warlocks to PvP though.
Alright buddy, you asked for it.
I’m not going to hold back.
You’re in for it!
I mean it!
Also everyone who wants to play a cute girl will be ally again.
You said IT three times. They’d bury you under a shrubbery in a hole they dug with a herring.
How many? Just login to the server and count the skeletons in goldshire.
But it will just be all of the failed Horde skeletons, that won’t help me much…
Maybe I should count all the NE dancers in Ironforge.