unbelievable, why so many?
literal no life?
I am on account 4 and duh me only just realised dont need new emails for each account so next will def be on same battlenet
- Hunter, Paladin, Warlock, Demon Hunter.
- Use most of them for farming etc.
You nailed it, lol.
I have two, this hunter, and a Windwalker Monk. I do love the whole martial arts thing about Monks, and their mystic powers.
I have 30 lvl 70’s of 42 characters. I play too much
2 shaman
2 warlock
2 rogue
1 warrior
1 hunter
I had a DK but deleted him
1 mage
Some of these are still at ~300 ilvl but might play them in TWW. Gotta do at least 1 panda remix character
10 Character Limit on Forums lol
13… Kind of annoying because I can never stick with a class…
13 one of each class and trying to get 1700+ all in solo queue: mangalos dot com/pains
i have 25 or so…
Just the one main. A Human Priest. But at some point it would be cool to have one of every class.
I mostly like the idea just for the campfire in warbands, I don’t get much time so most wouldn’t get played.
I have several. Two warriors, one fury one protection Spec. I have a healer druid, a warlock, an Evoker, and two hunters. Both beastmaster.