How long would Balance of Power take today?

Wanted to get the Druid balance of power skins in prep for 10.2.

If you’re asking, I imagine that means you don’t have a character exalted with Nightfallen?

I think you need a revered level item from the Nightfallen faction. Potentially multiple raid lockouts in Nighthold and Emerald Nightmare. Finish a mess of quests in Aszuna and Suramar.

Have fun.

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i believe you need four emerald nightmare lockouts, then you need four nighthold lockouts…

so that part of the quest will be eight weeks.

yeah you need to be revered with the suramar faction before you can even start it, idk if that’s a grindable rep… i think it’s timegated through world quests only.

probably the best thing to do would be to wait for the next legion timewalking and use your timewalking badges to buy a bunch of suramar rep.

so, balance of power is quite the large undertaking that is not going to be quickly completed.

Probably around 2 weeks still purely because of the raid drops portion of it. If you get unlucky with EN or NH drops, you’ll be in there for another week.

Balance of Power skin unlocks are account-wide now, yes?

I’d say about a month

you need to do 4 mythic dungeons (get a group) and 4 raids in normal+ difficulty

I just did it about a month or so ago, takes maybe two weeks.

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Why a group? Legion Mythics are easily solo-able.


Give it a shot and report back to us. Thanks in advance, bestie!

Those can be solo’d at level 70.


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The most time intensive thing is probably getting exalted with Nightborne which is not as bad during Legion timewalking week.

Other than that you are time gated for the raid. If you get lucky you can do it in like 2 trips I think? If you’re unlucky you could have to do 3 or maybe even 4 weeks.