How long to renown 40?

I got all my girls (and 1 guy toon) to level 21 renown, so I am curious how long left to take to get my renown capped on each alt?

Also, do I even need to farm extra renown, at the moment what’s kept me logging each week is the covenant story lines, but in all seriousness, after next week once you finished the covenant campaign is that it, you’re done? :slight_smile:


3 per week, according to my orc math it will be march 9th.

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it turns to 2 per week in a few weeks


Where did you see this?

Is there any point me continuing to get Renown though, as honestly, up until this point I’ve been farming it to get to the covenant story, but all I have to do is bring 10 souls out the maw next week to get to renown 20 and I got the final quest chains unlocked so I think it’s almost over honestly?

I came up with march 28th for renown 40…

Honestly after the covenant campaign, what is the point in continuing to get renown?

…renown 80 flying unlocks l e l


Apart from cosmetic rewards, I think the main thing for progression-minded players is soulbind upgrades.

So in other words if you only care about story, I can just take a break from the game now?

3.## Renown Cap

Renown has a weekly cap, so the maximum level you can reach each week is limited, and there is no open grind. Below, you will find Renown caps for each week following the [Shadowlands]

  • Shadowlands Release Week: Renown level 3;
  • Week of December 1: Renown level 6;
  • Week of December 8: Renown level 9;
  • Week of December 15: Renown level 12;
  • Week of December 22: Renown level 15;
  • Week of December 29: Renown level 18;
  • Week of January 5: Renown level 21;
  • Week of January 12: Renown level 24;
  • Week of January 19: Renown level 26;
  • Week of January 26: Renown level 28;
  • Week of February 2: Renown level 30;
  • Week of February 9: Renown level 32;
  • Week of February 16: Renown level 34;
  • Week of February 23: Renown level 36;
  • Week of March 2: Renown level 38;
  • Week of March 9: Renown level 40.

From Icy-veins : ht tps://www.icy-veins. com/wow/renown-a-guide-to-the-covenant-reputation-system-in-shadowlands

I’d suggest you to keep it up-to-date till 32, that’s when you get your last soulkeeper update (the stuff that gives you redeemed souls per week).


Hmm okay then thanks for the tip :smiley:

Not a lot, but there are some power progression perks. There’s some measly 2% stamina buffs sprinkled in there and renown 31 is required for the last rank of the third soulbind. WQ rewards continue to get upgraded through it as well.

It’s nothing crazy (for most at least).

How does the whole Renown think work? I think I’m 7 0-o. Idk kinda just spamming M+ until I’m 190 kek

Each week you go to the inn in Oribos, pick up the two quests downstairs to do two dungeons (make sure you picked up replenish the reservoir quest first) and then do the world boss, and a few world quests with anima rewards to get 1000 anima. Also you pick up the quest to get 5, later 10 souls from the maw. These two quests give you renown, which unlocks more for your covenant.

I am glad I chose Maldraxxus as my covenant on this girl, as when I get bored I just listen to Draka and Vashj banter they have some good dialogs honestly lol

If you are up to date with the weekly cap, you are sure to get 3 (1 from the 1000 anima quest, 1 from the campaign and 1 by rescuing 10 souls from the maw).

If you are late there’s sometimes one in the emissary missions or from worldboss, bg wins. I don’t remember all the sources but you can catch up pretty fast if you try hard.

Oh okay, pretty simple - I’ll start on that tomorrow.

I chose Venthyr. Being Night Fae at first was pretty but good god is Chain Harvest absolutely fantastic.

Thanks doll!

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In the off chance that flying is tied to max renown I’d keep going with it if I were you.