How long has Alliance had a flight path in Felwood?

I honestly had no idea

It’s always been there.

The one I never knew about was the one right on the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas tucked away up against on the North wall. Caught me completely by surprise when I first stumbled across it.

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Talonbranch Glade has always been one, even before the area got a redesign in Cataclysm to Worgen the place up. I like Classic Felwood better.


We have an FP in Felwood?


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Talonbranch Glade, at the very Northern end of the zone

Island west of Feralas

There’s docks at the mainland and a boat that goes between.

That is Feralas, and the Alliance has two, one on the edge of Thousand Needles - less a quest hub and more just a travel point - and the one you describe, Feathermoon Stronghold, where Alliance characters can learn the top tier of Alchemy.