How long do you think before the next expansion is announce?

They will announce 10.0 at the next Blizzcon. :laughing:

Well How many blizz con will they cancel XD

Well now Iā€™m sad. Are you happy now?!

Well you had 2 month of knowledge missed not my fault. Dont shoot the messenger

puts gun down

Youā€™re just full of heartbreak today.

Considering the current pacing of content releases I would say expect delays and stormy weather.

Iā€™d call you obnoxious but youā€™d probably consider that a compliment.

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You know me so well that sometimes it feels like youā€™re my friend.

They need a blizzcon to repair their image

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:

itā€™ll be awhile. We still going to have 9.2.5

Not for a good 6-8 months if they even have one in the works.