How long before the simple people running Wow cave and do the common sense thing. TBC!

I am tired of the blizzard employing people are not intelligent enough to know they have to give us TBC. We know it. Everyone except blizzard knows it. Why are they so slow?

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Needless to say. This is Blizzard’s game/franchise. Not yours, not mine, not ours, but theirs. They’re free to choose what they want to do with it. They don’t have to give us anything…and most of us will continue paying for subs and they know it.

I mean, this is the 2nd launch of “classic” and they’re earning tons of money from essentially doing nothing.

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Lol yay another one of these posts. Y’all think y’all want this but when blizzard inevitably brings it out and there’s less than 40 people playing on each server after a couple of months, y’all are going to be real disappointed. Classic will never equal the original experience. The only servers even remotely prospering are the hardcore, sod, and other variations. The nostalgia wears off quick and most people are left in boredom after a couple of weeks. Let it go already and let blizzard focus on what really matters, retail and new variations of classic.