For a bunch of classes I played this season (up to 2100 mostly), queue’s were often about 30min, occasionally popping before then but not often. I’m not sure I’m willing to wait much longer than that at such a low rating just to play the game. Unfortunately, with expansions player base tends to dwindle as the expansion continues so we’re probably looking at even longer queues.
So on average, what is the point where you just say F wow pvp and quit because queue’s are just too long? 30 min? 40 min? 60 min? Just to be clear i’m talking under 2400 rating. I understand at the very top there’s no way around longer queue’s.
If I was a dps and had to wait more than 7 mins to play the game I’m literally logging off. Even 7 mins is long and it’s already a waste of $15 a month.
The longest I’ve waited without doing anything else is like 40mins. That’s without “pausing” the queue with something like a skirmish or battleground. Most of the time though, I queue skirms for the first ~15mins of the queue. After ~15mins I’ll stop queueing skirms in case I get lucky with an early Solo Shuffle queue. It feels faster that way because I’m not just sitting there waiting, but I’ve also seen some queues go to 45mins+ when doing it, so it’s probably just faster overall to sit and wait.
I’m usually already farming/collecting stuff so queues are whatever. If I’m itching to play it feels bad to wait a half hour after dedicated pvp games like rivals, though.
I play a pretty rare spec, so Qs at lower ratign are btwn instant and 10-15 minutes for the first couple lobbies, but then by the time I get rating they’re 30-60+ minutes.
If I have another game to play in the queue like gw2 or hearthstone then I don’t mind, but if I don’t then It’s not worth more than like a 10-15 minute Q imo.
That’s also why I don’t play shuffle, even though I do actually enjoy the mode for the most part.
Anything more than 2-3 minutes i just cant be bothered waiting even though for me shuffle would be so much fun on every single dps class and would be in there queueing every minute of the day that i wasnt playing a healer (which would be a lot).
Unfortunately thats not a thing so i just play healers till the reward i want and stop queueing then get 1800 in 2s/3s for any dps that i want.
I remember when shuffle was first introduced and I was used to near instant queue’s in 2s, never thought RSS would catch on, and that was when queue’s were like 10 min max. I don’t think it can survive as a mode long term though as the community continues to dwindle. Who the f gonna wait 1 hour for a queue at 1600?
I’ll sit in a queue for 5-10 minutes and be fine with it.
YouTube it up while I wait.
15 minutes is pushing it, and anything longer than that is a HARD NO.
If I’m waiting more than playing then it’s not worth my time.
I will literally never wait for a queue in my life ever again. I made this life decision in 2018 and I have been going strong with it. I am that guy who plays tank or healer whenever possible, and I am not a victim of the big bad DPS. I used to be a DPS player too.
All DPS roles in any game has relatively low impact in comparison to other roles, on simple account of there always being more slots for DPS. WoW PVP may be one of the few where healers and DPS have more parity in impact, but healers arguably still have more potential by “diffing” the other healer, and even more so in battlegrounds.
According to the law of large numbers, on account of there being more DPS players, their skill level will be more evenly matched more often than not. However, with fewer tanks and healers, you also have more room to outplay the other one (however that is done), on simple account of there being fewer of your role to get an even match made. Some of these L-ers are also only playing the role because they were victimized into it, not because they CHOSE to.
This also means that in other games it could be easier to climb as a healer/tank, provided you are already at an adequate skill level, and only not possible in WOW due to the butt-backwards MMR matchmaking for healers, which naturally deflates them in relation to DPS.
Take the red pill. Make the difference. Be that guy.
When saying 20 minutes for example, are you going by what it says the wait time is? or by how long you actually wait? For example, as dps, I generally find the wait time is usually double whatever it says in the queue. So if it says 12 min, queue doesn’t usually pop until 24 min. Or if it says 15 min, i usually wait 30 before queue pops.