With the realm list coming out soon, what are people’s estimates on what “lean” means, since we don’t have any more concrete info.
Personally, I think given the reference to 2004, when the game launched with 40 US servers, they’re aiming for the same number initially, and a few layers per realm to handle the bulge.
If they have 1 of each type in each region like some suggest, the servers will never be uncongested even weeks later. But if they add 89 like they ended up doing, we may be too spread out to have decent populations down the road.
So, for me, 40 in the US region is the number I’m expecting.
Not sure what the heck they are doing here. I assume they think people prefer playing on a server with 7-12k max pop. I don’t - maybe I am in the minority.
I don’t see how we ever get down to single 3k pop servers with this scheme - even if they double the number of servers.
I actually was listening to the Ion comments again, and I think they’re doing something like this.
Layering while everyone is packing early zones.
As people spread out, layer cap is increased, and layer count is reduced. e.g. four 3k layers moves to two 5k layers as 2k people drop off and everyone spreads out. Because everyone’s spread out, no one zone will be overpopulated.
Later, people are spread out enough that 7k players can coexist on one server.
Eventually the population comes down to reasonable levels.
I’m not sure I like the interpretation, but it’s one way that may explain all this.