How is the Whisperwind server? Thinking about making an Alliance toon on it.
Here is my story… I use to play WoW a lot back in MoP, I was a Blood Elf Frost DK main attempting Heroic Raids until my computer died during the SoO raid. Then when I finally was able to play again in Legion, my friends had already quit playing and the guild I was in before disbanded. So I have been off and on since Legion, playing solo. Mostly all I did was mount and transmog farm. I havent done current dungeons (unless it was normal that was part of a quest) and raids since MoP.
I am looking to start fresh and get back into raiding Normals and Heroics in a relaxed, casual, friendly atmosphere. Im not too sure what to level yet. I am between Ele/Enh Shaman, Havoc DH, Ret Paladin, Surv/BM Hunter or Fury Warrior. Open to suggestions When I am not raiding and gearing, I do plan to solo older content or run older content with the guild for mounts and transmog.
I am available to play Monday-Friday 6pm Pacific. I can be on earlier most days but sometimes I work out of town so when that happens, I dont get home until 5:30/5:45pm. And weekends are a hit or miss due to IRL responsibilities and wife aggro.
If you think I would be a good fit for your guild, or have any questions, please let me know! I look forward to hearing from you Whisperwind!