How is war mode as Horde on RP servers?

I last tried war mode in RP servers around BFA or Shadowlands. It was terrible.

At the time, Alliance massively outnumbered Horde on RP servers. But because the outnumbered buff is based on all servers, not just RP servers, Alliance also got the outnumbered buff and had a huge incentive to turn on war mode. This created a one-two punch in which Alliance had more absolute numbers than Horde and more of them signed up for war mode than Horde. So, in every shard for weeks, I was horribly outnumbered. I was hunted down like an animal.

Has this dynamic changed at all in Dragonflight? Or is war mode still terrible for Horde on RP servers?

From my best understanding, RP servers are shared with RP servers first and foremost. Typically I only see Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord players in WM, an occasional-rare Feathermoon, Scarlet Crusade, or Cenarian Circle. Unfortunately, the former RP-PvP servers, namely Emerald Dream, is not phased with MG and WRA which IMO is a huge disservice in general.

As Horde I’ve certainly experienced more blobs of Alliance than not and Horde tends to be the less popular faction even when adding WRA and MG together. My only real ‘metric’ here is personal experience around the boxes dropped in and the rare/elite PvP quests. Of course there have been other times with the inverse is true, both while I’ve been on Horde and Alliance, but its usually like an 70/20/10 split (Alliance, Horde, even) if I was to try and give it a number.

That said, it doesnt feel overbearing or as if you can’t play in Warmode as Horde. While quests and certain areas may be more difficult (and quests are FFA of course) its not impossible and could even be fun. While this poor warlock may not be able to get much done, running around on a hunter, warrior, or ret pali lets you just dive in, kill someone in a group (or a couple) and generally get out. Im sure rogue, DH, monk, and to a lesser extent mage can land you similar experiences.

If I’m Horde in WM I usually find some decent fights. On my Alliance toons, however, I rarely see any Horde. Which is funny since there are Horde guilds on Wyrmrest that love to RP their guild as a mighty military power.

My GM was there and he can attest that Alliance lost the war within the first BFA patch among the Normal servers. Alliance never failed to get 25-30% currency bonus and AOO every week. Despite this, the Horde were so superior it took the likes of Ruin Gaming and Cryptids League to defeat the Horde but to actually crash servers.

Hydra did well but they struggled somewhat, but Aucanine Alliance OPFOR avenged their losses in SW City. Aucanine, a 1-man guild, was the sixth(?) guild in the world to get City Attacker, and have reached a Guinness record of 10,000 HKs in cities. That could have never been an Alliance that accomplished such.

Because most people are on Normals, be assured that the Alliance got whooped hard GLOBALLY since War Mode was live, or at least in N. America. This should be considered settled, because the AvH war is over, self-evident with xfaction grouping and guilding which were live in DF.

Short version: the faction that didn’t establish record stats, got defeated within one patch on equal footing, got a full ride 25-30% WM bonus and AOO, got Chromie Time upon request, and organized to crash servers was not the faction that won. Blizzard felt sorry for them and pandered to them, to the point where it doesn’t matter what faction you play anymore with xfaction systems.

Can you actually quest then as Horde, even on patch day in the new zone?

It was wild during BFA. I could barely do anything because every world quest was 10 Alliance for every Horde.

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Yea, but as Horde you gotta be prepared to fight. I was on my fury warrior and was jumped by a 4-person group from the same guild. I took out the DH and frost mage before the fire mage and boomie got me. It was fun.

That does sound fun! Thanks for the help.

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