How is Unholy DK for raiding?

I can only give anecdotal evidence on unholy (granted the hard data is out there). Its been on a downward sliding scale since the start of the xpac at least for me.

What I’m curious is if there are any new cov builds for the dk dps specs that may scale better due to the double legendary. Maybe this will get us a bit closer to the medium range. Anyone have any feedback on this?

You can run the Night Fae Rampant Transference + Death’s Certainty for permanent 20% strength buff uptime. Plays really badly tho so not too fun. Recent buffs to Necrolord indicates we’ll continuing playing Necro in 9.2. Abomination Frenzy is now on-par with Deadliest Coil, you u essentially get the power gain of one additional BiS lego.

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as far as dps goes, the ST rotation is pretty lackluster, we’re good for bursting down things and AoE, but you put in a lot of work for mediocre return while other classes practically faceroll up the damage meter.

taking clawing shadows and the pet allows you to continue dps while not in melee range, which makes the spec feel more fluid and practical and allows you to make up for the slow movement speed.

Thing is, aside from poorly tuned aoe mechanics this xpac creating weird mythic plus scenarios - dps hasn’t been the limiting factor for the majority of the player base. You’ll see a much bigger swing in your dps if you skip on any system over if you run flavor of the month. If you’re not the type of player that maximizes every option available:

  1. Max vault weekly (all 9 options)
  2. Max renown ASAP
  3. Max conduits ASAP (yes adamant vaults in torghast)
  4. Max Ilvl leggo
  5. Korthia grind everything ASAP for gem sockets
  6. Every consumable, including runes all the time.
  7. BiS enchants all the time.
  8. Max rank domination gems in the right sockets ASAP
  9. Flawless rotation…
  10. Correct covenant leveled to 80 for each type of content.

Then rankings don’t matter. You have so many other avenues to increase player power that all lead to noticeable differences in player power. Forget the charts if you aren’t doing every one of the above the day you can unlock it. Classes are almost the closest they’ve ever been.

Unholy dk in particular sees such a substantial dps increase from quantum device it’s laughable. I dunno what new trinkets there are, maybe biceps can shed some light here, but these things all add up and can quickly.

On equal footing, sure flavor of the month wins. You don’t even see equal footing in Mythic raiding guilds until a couple months after they start clearing content because weapon and trinket drops aren’t distributed at the same bosses for all classes. By the time everyone is on the same footing the content is on farm.