How is this server past 50?

Does it seem balanced or does one faction heavily outnumber the other?

Looking to reroll as Alliance.

Looks to be slightly ally skewed from my limited perspective, though I’ve been hearing rumblings of a few ally guilds taking the transfer recently so that may have increased. Can’t confirm the latter though.

There were multiple ally guilds that transferred over. They posted their recruitment messages on the Earthfury discord.

The server balance was perfect but it now, it at least, appears to be more ally favored. There are other servers out there to roll on if you want balance.

What do you suggest?

Find another server

Check back in two weeks. Now may not be the time to pull the trigger.

Don’t roll on this server if you’re horde. Very, very, dead. Awful server, they need to either let us transfer to a medium pop realm or incentivize horde from the two full realms to come.

This server is perfect if you want every zone to have 1 other horde and every flight path in the game to have a full raid of alliance waiting.

Is it turning into Heartseeker 2.0?

Actually check back in a couple of days. I been running numbers and there was an uptick in Alliance Activity over the weekend sure, but I am using two different data sets and when i look at active 60’s in the past 7 days it is dam near 50/50 still. Like +7 more horde this past week actually. I think more allie were just out in force and horde weren’t used to seeing it…

As far as i know there arent any free xfers right now so i advise caution, patience.

If you are still curious post again. I’ll share what i find.

Pretty sure there’s free transfers up just use one

You writing that doesn’t make horde want to transfer and btw the population is still 50/50

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Why would horde want to transfer? Anybody with critical thinking skills would make a level 1 and check /who around the world to see how little horde there actually are on this server.

You’re totally exaggerating about the number of horde in the zones. I have never seen only one horde in a zone unless you are talking about Ironforge or Stormwind. I am out in the Earthfury world all the time and there are always other horde around.

Earthfury is medium pop and it also has at least 3 times more horde running around than the medium pop Vanilla server I played on did.

By the way post on your main.

There are plenty of horde on this server. They just aren’t banding together like the alliance. At least not in the leveling zones. No idea how the zones 60s tend to be in fare. I see a lot more Ally 60s in the leveling zones farming lowbies than horde 60s.