Hey everyone, thinking of leaving my current server to come join Pagle for more people to play with. How is Pagle overall? Is there a ton of competition out in the open world for mobs/nodes? Good community?
I’m interested in starting my Draenei Shaman here come prepatch, I know there will be a lot of competition for mobs in their starting zone come that day, but even with layering, would this still be a major issue? thank you for reading.
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Pagle is mostly a very friendly and populated server, and plenty of guilds are there for you to fit into, mainly because it’s one of the biggest if not the biggest PvE alliance realm. This does of course mean that there will be a lot of competition come pre-patch, but that’s how high population servers will always be.
If you want a lag free pre-patch and no competition, dont join Pagle, but if you do, plenty of good aspects.
Very good server with friendly players. It’s the most populated alliance server though (I think?) and there are tons of people questing, even during off peak hours…which can be a good thing or a bad thing. Good that you can always get a group for a dungeon or group quests, bad that it may take you awhile to finish certain ones.
When pre patch hits though this server will probably get 6-8 hour queues and I’d honestly look for a low-med pop server.