How is this realm?

Let me just start by saying I love pvp. Also world pvp. My favorite thing to do is run around with my bf out in the world and kill stoof

How is this realm with max level world pvp? I’m looking to find rivals to meet out there and I’ve heard lots of good things about this server :0

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Are you going to RP?

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Of course :smiley:


I joined a few days ago. First time playing WoW. Made it to level 10 and so far only saw 2 other players while checking Stormwind… so in summary to me it seems a bit empty tbh.

lmao what what time dude? It’s packed in there when I’m there??

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Usually playing during morning time on weekends and between 8 to 10pm a few days during the week (EST).

How on earth did you only see two people in Stormwind? Even in the really weird hours I see a lot more than that.


Well…maybe I will try again then lol maybe I didn’t pay attention :wink:
Not changing servers because of this first impression of course…enjoying the solo leveling process so far.

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I must say the auction house feels empty. Am I doing something wrong? Listed a few potions I’ve made but not confident they will sell… couldn’t see much up for sale.

Oh usually it’s just the max or close to max level consumables that will sell, and while SW is a bit empty cause of Dalaran I don’t think it should be in the single digits.

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Here’s an inv to basically the biggest Ally RP discord.

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Thank you! :smiley:

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I can almost guarantee you made a character on the Grobb classic era server and not WotLK server. Make one on Wotlk. Otherwise, if you want to play classic era, join Whitemane cluster

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RP is scarce, if almost nonexistent.

Nobody RPs

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if you like getting ganked at summoning stone by 30 horde this is your place XD

what about world pvp?

There’s plenty of alliance to gank if you know where to look. The ally on this server really like to gank lowbies for whatever reason so you can find them in those areas.

if you are going to play on grobb just avoid Shortbus legends at all cost. heard the gm recently got married but smacks his wife around at times and heard their feral druid stalks the women in the guild and messages them.

So are there any rp /pvp guilds to join
Coming back from old venture co. The pvp was great there…