How is the tanking at 60 in SoD? Should 4hmen need 8 tanks still?

I quit sod after phase 3. But I played a Shaman tank and loved it.

One of the issues for the horsemen fight was the number of tanks needed. In classic there was really only 1 viable tank class, warrior. Druids were alright and paladins were not a real option for this fight.

But sod is different. More classes can tank and players can even bring duel spec to quick swap for that fight?

So here is the question. How is the tanking? Are the other classes like Rouge, Shaman, Pally actully good? And with these classes now options as a tank how will this change how this fight plays out?

0% chance it will need 8 tanks when the raid is tuned for 20 people my dude. Please use your brain.

tanking on the shaman is quite fun.

its a little bit of a build up though at first due to needing to block to build up stacks so i dont know if 4hm would be the best fight for them but ya…

rogues are coming on a bit stronger in some fights and have their own place.

really though if you have the gear , tanking is quite fun.

doubt it will need 8 tanks.

btw even in era you can do it with 6 tanks.