How is SOD

Was going to give it a try, is it worth it. Are the realms dead and how is the pvp

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terrible. just play something else


Your realm choices are CrusaderStrike for PvP Server and Wild Growth for PvE.

PvP is pretty unbalanced for World PvP and BGā€™s. Boomkins do absurd burst damage. Also Horde generally wins 90% of the time in BGā€™s.

SoD is alot of fun though, all of your runes and books are on a Rune Vendor for 1 copper each in the starting zones and capital cities.


SoD is fun usually. AQ is not, and releasing Anniversary during the weakest Vanilla phase and putting in such minimal effort into the phase makes it rough to want to log in.

Worth gearing up just to see SoD Naxx, though. Plus the upcoming Kara Crypts dungeon and Scarlet Raid

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When is this coming out

SoD is good, AQ is bad for people that has only 1 braincel.

PvP is imbalanced but you donā€™t need to win in AB, taking 1200 points will grant you 3 marks for 7500 honor, the honor gained per kill is good, you can get honor cap in like 6-8h per week.

If you find an alliance premade you will win 100%. But first you need to farm the BwL and AQ set.


Probs do the opposite of what this guy says. He has been wrong 100% of the time


I just started a new character on the PvE Wildgrowth and itā€™s way more populated than I thought.

I highly recommend


PvP isnā€™t as unbalanced as people say. Shamans are pretty strong and so are pallies but everything is viable if youā€™re a good player.

Havenā€™t seen a wsg game in a long time. Av games only on AV weekend. AB is the honor grind meta so thereā€™s always games for that. Alliance have 1-2 minute queue times and I hear horde queue times are 10+ minutes.

Blood moon PvP event is what I log on for itā€™s a 5man group factionless free for all and itā€™s pretty fun. I post clips on YouTube at keftapvp if you want to see what it looks like.


Is this all you do? Stv blood moon? I always see you plugging your pvp stuff. But what else is there to do outside of the once every 3hour stv?

Thereā€™s often a lot of world PvP in BRM and especially Silithus. Next phase EPL is gonna be off the chain. Thereā€™s always a good amount of ABs going on but WSG and AV only seem available on their Holiday weekends.

Besides blood moon, for me, not much

Iā€™ve not been super engaged on the PvP side of the game for SoD, but the PvP that I have done has been enjoyable overall. Then Phase 7 will have Naxx, as well as the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon and Scarlet Crusade raid post Naxx. Now is as good of a time as any to hop into SoD. Lots of new players have been coming back out of the woodworks with the announcement of Naxx and post Naxx content. Unsure of whats to come if any for future PvP content, but if youā€™re already subscribed and you have nothing else to do, you should definitely give it a shot.

Itā€™s a lot of fun, disregard the haters

I got back to it recently after quitting when P2 dropped and Iā€™m having a ton of fun. Itā€™s certainly worth having a go.

Itā€™s the most fun version of WoW in a bad raid tier

Theyā€™re rushing it into Naxx luckily

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Itā€™s pretty fun. PvP is imbalanced as hell and you need rank 12/13 gear before you stop getting globaled on most classes. But once you get there itā€™s fun.

And honestly I do enjoy AQ40. I think in classic I preferred BWL but in SoD I like AQ40 more than BWL. Iā€™m pretty happy itā€™s a short phase though and Iā€™m looking forward to Naxx.

I enjoyed SoD during P1, but it fell off for me pretty much immediately after that.

Stuff like Incursions, just didnā€™t feel like they fit in.

Am playing HC Classic in the meantime while I wait for the next retail patch.

Pre 60 there isnt much going on in dungeons. You can usually find an incursions group though.

Skip sod

Itā€™s henious