How is questing as disc?

Honest question. It seems especially slow, even for a healer.

Yeah it’s pretty bad. I would just go shadow personally.


yeah i’ve been trying to quest as disc a little even decently geared, it was pretty bad and when i switched to shadow i felt like i was evaporating everything

I leveled my priest exclusively as disc. Was totally fine.

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Fine and nauseatingly slow are not mutually exclusive. Outside of rares/elites, shadow will level much faster.


Disc does about half the damage as Holy/Shadow in single target for questing.


Yeah, to be clear when I say “bad” it’s not, “I was unable to complete quests as disc.” It’s just hella slow compared to shadow.

If you want to learn disc while leveling I’d just spam lfg dungeons. If you want to do world quests or level that way it’s much more efficient as shadow, but certainly if you don’t care about that at all you can get things done as disc.

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Disc is tanky, you can pull like 7 mobs and aoe them down.

Overall its probably a little slower than shadow, but if you pull big its not that much slower and you never die. You can also weave in instant dungeon ques for exp.

Plus youll be experienced with disc when you reach end game.

I personally havent enjoyed shadow since tbc and always just leveled disc.

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You’re playing shadow incredibly wrong if you aren’t plowing thru normal, quest mobs.

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If you have fun questing as disc don’t let me stop you, but I absolutely pull a bunch of mobs and aoe them all down as shadow—it just goes much quicker than as disc. The only time you can’t get away with this is hard-hitting elites (the dogs by the djaradin wq in ED come to mind ), but this is true for disc too.

Can somebody elaborate some here? I assume you mean putting VT/SWP on a bunch of mobs. I really don’t play shadow, but when I messed with it, my impression was the healing of VT wasn’t that much. I know there is also devouring plague, but it seemed to take a little time to ramp up. At what level can you get away with this, and does your health frequently get down low?

When I level I usually just spam lfg even when I play a dps spec–time walking makes it ~a 5 min wait and I really don’t enjoy the solo content in WoW.

All this to say I don’t know the exact level its viable, but once you have access to shadow crash and DA I think its probably ok (you can try VE too but I think given how quickly things die in the open world DA buffing your big direct damage hits more often is more valuable)–I dot up however many mobs I am pulling with VT and Shadow crash, pop my CDS (bender and DA + PI if its up), and start throwing mind blast, sw:d, VT, or MG and spreading around DP. Depending on the difficuty of the mobs you may need to pw:s and use silence/fear to interrupt the mobs or reduce incoming damage while you take one or two out. I don’t really need to flash heal in combat very often, but ymmv depending on your gear and such.

I looked at the talents and DA starts with a 1 minute CD. Does it shorten later on, and are you essentially killing groups of mobs in bursts as things come off of CD? I typically kill mobs 1 or 2 at a time while leveling, so I usually don’t watch major CDs at all unless I am going to fight a difficult mob.

It doesn’t ever get lower, but you don’t need it to kill a handful of mobs anyway. Just use your cds when they’re up and maybe do a slightly bigger pull.

You’re going to have to use your own discretion and gauge it based on your gear and how hard the mobs you are fighting hit. I’m not trying to portray shadow as old school frost mage aoe grinding, it’s not that. It’s just more than capable of pulling a handful of mobs and burning them down much more quickly than disc.

thanks for your comments!

Dot a bunch of mobs, make sure you shield yourself as they’re getting close, and just burn em down as the dots tick. Pull big when your cd’s are up, smaller when they’re not. That’s pretty much it.

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I lvl’d all the way to 70 on disc. Recently decided to try out shadow and I gotta say it’s so much faster. I don’t have issues with quests on disc but it’s so much less effort needed to just use shadow.

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