How is prot/holy paladin in pvp if you want to kill things?

Wanna do sword and board and hit people, is paladin worth it? Or should I only do warrior? Fistweaver is a fun style of play, can holy paladin pull it off?

Hpal/prot are probably the least fun classes to play in the game.

Prot is still very weak and has zero pvp need. Hpal is not very effective in high mmr pvp. Too easily mitigated.

The pvp leaderboards show how there are currently only 5 paladins in the top 200 players. Which is crazy considering paladins are the most played class in TWW.

They nerfed tanks in PVP awhile ago, so they’re no longer fun. Holy is just lol.

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I mean this is just a matter of opinion tbh… I have a lot of fun playing melee wings on my paladin and healing.

Clearly u don’t pvp with paladin

Ummm I do actually lol

Ur 1600 on your posting class. get outta here.

It’s like 3 weeks into the season who really cares? it’s ok if you’re bad at your main bruh. Lemme guess you think ret needs to be like it was in DF when it got its rework and every idiot got +800 rating for free? Lmao.

Idk why you’re even bringing up rating you might as well be the poster child for mediocre :rofl::clown_face:

U still going? Get a job

And here you are still replying but lemme guess… you don’t care right? :rofl: