I really like the light smith hero spec. I love the utility and buffs prot paladin could bring to a m+ group. But are light smiths still running out of mana? And are prot paladins looking tankier in 11.05?
This depends on the player. Some are going oom from spamming WoG when they don’t need to and will probably continue to go oom. Others who can manage their WoG casts better never went oom.
Looks like base level tankiness will go up a fair bit, but I wouldn’t say massively. We are getting 10% base armor which everything else scales off of which is nice in addition to 10% armor from SoTR. So some double dipping there.
I would be wrong, but I think there was also something about block value increases?
What will be nice is the tuning to CD reductions for both Judgement and Blessed Hammer which will translate to more Holy Power Generation and the downstream benefits from that.
There’s also a neat talent Lightbearer that will passively heal the entire party for 10% of heals done to you from other sources. This will be a nice steady HoT to everyone and I think it will smooth out some of the group healing requirements from pulse damage.
The 10% armor and 10% SoTR buffs are because they are removing class nodes that currently provide those values. Similarly the CDR on hammer and judgement is just baseline of one of our current talents. Very little is actually changing.
Which nodes exactly? The only talent changes to armor is from Seal of Order as part of Dusk and Dawn which is proc based. Base level armor pre-proc/buffs are much better.
Also, the way they rearranged the talents I’m now able to take Faith’s Armor for 20% bonus armor to SoTR when I wasn’t taking it before.
As for the CDR, yes the 1s CD reduction for Judgement is to replace the loss from the talent, but you are ignoring the 20% CDR on top of that. There’s two separate CDRs for Judgment.
its not proc based, its a ten second buff from using either wog or sotr. If you didnt have 100% in combat uptime on it, you werent hitting buttons.
Faiths armor is only 5% armor for prot, not 20%. But it will be easier to pick up, since the class tree isnt as poorly laid out as it has been since the overhaul in dragonflight.
the 1 second cooldown is from a talent, and the 10% is from the same talent that gave us 10% armor. Incidentally, the current 10% works on judgement, blessed hammer, and divine toll. The changes coming tomorrow only apply to judgement and blessed hammer. So divine toll was nerfed.
I asked which node and you responded by not answering the question. The one I stated was proc based was Seal of Order which is proc based.
Where are you seeing that exactly? I’m looking at the PTR Talent Tree and there’s nothing about 5% for prot.
Maybe you are referring to Sanctified Plates?
Again, give me names cause you have been mistaken or wrong about every point so far.
Right now we have Seal of Alacrity which increases haste by 4% and Judgment CD by 1s. Like I said, we are gaining CD reduction for Judgment because last I checked, 10>4.
The 4% haste worked on DT.
Both on live, and on the ptr last time i saw it up, faiths armor was 5%. Only place ive ever seen the 20% is on wowheads talent calculator. It has been 5% for prot since it was moved to the class tree last expansion.
Seal of order grants blessing of dawn every 3 holy power generators, both of our holy power spenders use 3 holy power. The only way to not have blessing of dusk up 100% of the time is to use less than 3 holy power generators and less than 1 holy power spender every 10 seconds. Is it better to be passive, sure, is it a buff to anyone who was hitting their buttons, no.
Edit**: haste ** doesnt lower the cooldown of divine toll, its 1 minute with 0% haste or 40% haste. What did lower the cooldown was blessing of dusk. The easiest way to see it would be to bind a 1 minute cooldown trinket like swarmlords authority to divine toll. The trinket will constantly have 5-6 seconds left on its cooldown when divine toll comes back up.***
Seal of Order is a talent that improves the actual Of Dusk and Dawn talent.
I get that you gain the buff from using Holy Power, but you can’t sit there and argue that it’s not proc based.
So with them baking in 10% base armor plus the 10% from Dusk, we are gaining from what we have now. Like I said earlier gaining base armor is mathematically better than getting it as a buff.
10,000 armor + 20% buff = 12,000
10,000 armor + 10% to base = 11,000 + 10% buff = 12,100