Like overall for you PVE nerds. Trickster actually seems to fun to play but there’s no way its better than Fatebound?
Seems like a lot of just really weird bugs with BTE as well
Like overall for you PVE nerds. Trickster actually seems to fun to play but there’s no way its better than Fatebound?
Seems like a lot of just really weird bugs with BTE as well
This ^
Damage seems good but the bugs are horrendous.
I get out dpsed single target by every healer in the game.
Trickster is weird. On one hand, it’s like Fatal Flourish stacks are your ‘new’ Summarily Dispatched buff, but the way the actual buff is worded sounds incredibly muddy.
On the other hand, you want to use Killing Spree on CD–yet you also want to use it after Coup De Grace to get the bonus damage, along with BtE, and then funnel as many Dispatches as possible afterwards.
Fatebound is just a bland RNG machine. The only reason its worth speccing into is the built-in, passive Cosmic Damage you get from crits (iirc).
I don’t mind fatebound RNG if there was a way to control it somewhat. The capstone incentivizes what outlaw wants to do, which is extended uptime. Just sucks that half the time you’ll miss the 7th just because of the RNG.
Just, all the bugs with BTE right now, and just the lower number profile, makes the spec feel very weird? Like a few tuning numbers away from being cracked, but just not worth the effort compared to assa.
If they can smooth out fatebound a bit more and fix the crack shot and stealth bugs it’s in a good spot and they need to revert the change to uhuh where snd ticks down. I don’t ever want to have to re apply snd. I don’t want to discuss damage numbers, for reasons.
I regret wasting my first week playing Outlaw.
BtE is fubar, stealth randomly drops for no reason and kills your Subterfuge window, grapple randomly just doesn’t pull you uses the CD.
I love Outlaw, but they have butchered the spec/class. Crackshot is not fun, even when it does work.
and the most frustrating thing is that these are not new bugs. they’re old bugs that have just never been fixed.
Yea buff outlaw
Outlaw’s rotation from a sky-view is generally pretty good. It has a fun high APM pace and requires quick thinking at times.
However, it is plagued with some glaring design flaws as well as a lingering critical bug with Between-the-Eyes sometimes refusing to go off. It also has scaling issues (any DPS class that prioritizes versatility is a red flag).
Right now Outlaw could really use a talent overhaul and a change to our mastery. It’s viable and fun, but lacking.
Grappling Hook’s failure rate alone completely deters me from playing Outlaw.
Fatebound, no killing spree feels alright, but the woes of the spec are still very present with bugs like
Player dependent in a lot of cases. I still have yet to run with a Fatebound rogue that out DPS’d me in a heroic, but most of these people are barely pressing buttons.
Fatebound is also extremely RNG heavy, whereas Trickster is about lining up your proc windows of Coup with either Killing Spree or a Crackshot window to rip damage out. I’ve seen my kit pull upwards of 3.2 mil on a god-roll pull.
But, that was when RTB was nice, enemy placement was close enough to actually hit them, blade flurry didn’t bug out and not hit extra targets, Crackshot didn’t break and leave me looking like I was concussed, stealth didn’t break before I started my opener, Killing Spree didn’t put me into mechanics that 1 shot me or clipped me through terrain, and Coup actually applied its damage buffs correctly. Plus standard good trinket, Mastery, and Crit RNG to boot.
There are so many things that can break right now, it’s ridiculous.
How is Outlaw?
I would ask this question again with the first patch IMO.
Never learned what dont means when it comes to gaming
Fantastic DPS that’s made infuriating by the myriad of bugs plaguing it right now.
could use a damage buff.
just hopping in to say I love the theme and mog of your character
I pretty much gave up on the spec since Legion, never liked what they did to Combat, and i still dont to this day.