How is MW looking for SL M+?

I know Pally’s and Druids are the top M+ picks but they don’t really interest me. I don’t care for Pally’s class fantasy at all, it’s a total turn off for me and I don’t find Resto Druid’s hot playstyle very fun. MW monks seem to be considered the best of the rest, right? I like my Shaman a lot but I’m nervous that player perception will become a problem for doing like +15’s down the road. I’ve also heard MW healing is really fun too.

My Monk is only 60 and I got it there in BFA so I really have no idea how it plays in Live nor do I really understand exactly what the SL changes mean in terms of how much of an improvement they are.

Think Monk will stay as “best of the rest” in SL M+ or will they climb higher/ fall lower?

Considering no actual testing of m+ has happened, this can’t be answered

I just mean has there been any significant buffs or nerfs that could be predicted to make a meaningful difference? Any weaknesses shored up? Anything seem particularly bad from the normal dungeon testing? Things like that. Anything seem p

Hard to tell without tuning numbers and soulbinds info just came out

Fair enough.

I will say this, the covenant abilities we have as ww all suck. So it might come down to what soulbinds are going to be available and what they do over a covenant ability


Assuming I haven’t missed a reversion on these: EnvM Mana nerf and shifting power into soothing mist are both bad for MW in M+ (EnvM is important for passive tank healing and channeling soothing mist costs you extra GCDs on healing instead of DPS). Taking the mana cost off of crane is great, BUT it’s now a 2min CD. Whether this is a buff or nerf can depend entirely on the dungeon design and pull patterns.

At the moment I’d say MW looks great for pugging midrange keys but is maybe in a bad spot (relative to other healers) for higher end keys; keep in mind this is mostly for DPS reasons (and in higher end keys healer dps starts to matter more and more). Also seems like the only viable covenant ability for M+, short of the mastery rework that it seems like most players want, will be faeline stomp. Adds a little damage and helps compensate for the dismal mana situation by giving you free essence font buffs.

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Thanks for the thoughts. As long as its better than my Shaman. Don’t get me wrong, I like healing m+ on my Shaman but MW’s tool kit feels better to me for dpsing and keeping less than 6 people alive and especially for tank healing.

Wouldn’t be so sure about Sham being bad in SL :stuck_out_tongue:

The success of shaman in M+ is heavily linked to the skill of your group. With a good tank and players that sustain themselves well, your added utility and the massive strength of windshear is a big deal. MW is most definitely a more pug friendly healer, but if you play with a group I think shaman can be rewarding if you work with your tank to really get a feel for their damage patterns.

Its more the “feel” of Monk that I just enjoy more regardless of which technically preforms better. Especially the dps rotation. I do love my Shaman though and if it ends up being a top pick for m+ then I will happily main it. I do Pug a lot too. Sometimes I can get a group of three but the 2 people I play with never tank or heal :stuck_out_tongue:

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Me too son me too.

Bonus points if you know the quote

Who doesn’t love going horesback riding?

I do a bunch of naysaying, but I agree MW is fun in anything below the very highest levels. The leaderboards only reflect those top top level runs, and monk can bring a lot of strength to a group looking to push keys and have fun.

Hint dude’s where’s my car

Oh no! My wife would be ashamed. I forgot about the Birthday kid lol.

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