How is it Druids Thorns do more damage then my Mortal Strike?

If you will allow me, you had a typo there.

This doesn’t work anymore, spell reflect only reflects one spell before expiring, so it would reflect the first thorn but every subsequent thorn would have full effect.

Just add it to the pile of dumb warrior changes in SL, there’s already so many.

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uncapped aoe stun with no dr every 90s is pretty abominable too

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OR! we can ask for it to get nerf. :thinking:

I’m kidding couldn’t resist playing Devil’s Advocate :stuck_out_tongue:.

Well if you really want to attack them during thorns. You’re going have to make sure you got spell reflect and also ignore pain up with defensive cool downs. If you don’t wanna do that then don’t hit them and wait until it wears off, but also CC them. It’s literally one of those pros and cons fight.

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That’s what I’d do.

Semper Fi! :us:

(sneaks Desombras a cookie or two)


I HOPE this is PVE talk since thorns can’t hit you if you don’t hit the target with thorns on them.

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Let’s talk about the part where thorns slows by 50%; you have to actively chase down the druid to get hit.


You insulted me and everyone in this thread.


That depends. Does a single hit from Thorns deal more damage than a single hit from Mortal Strike? Or, more likely, does Thorns deal more damage over an encounter than Mortal Strike?

If the former, that seems weird. If the latter, it’s probably because Mortal Strike only happens so often, whereas Thorns procs off of every strike (white hits from auto’s, and all yellow strikes from abilities).

And its not our fault u cant handle a simple spell like thorns lol, git gud kid

Never get in a discussion with anyone if you can’t handle people who disagree with you or a relationship in general. You can’t handle the pressure.

Deep down he insulted himself :stuck_out_tongue:


My thorns on hit for 2,062 damage each time you attack me, there is no possible way you could ever 1 shot yourself EVER when whacking a druid with thorns, every single attack you do to us does 2K damage, not reflected damage, just flat damage.

Assuming it can crit, not sure if it can, than it will do 4K damage. You could whack 100K to a druid in one hit, you still only take 2K. You obviously have no idea how it works.

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Is this an arms warrior complaining about something in pvp lol

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Probably too busy watching 3K arena players wrecking lowbies in skirmish and is wondering why he is dying instead of owning.

Ohh you are going to make the druid sad when you play smart :scream_cat:


Because “balance”

Can I add you on my list OP? So I can PvP you oh and I also play a druid

I reflects X within X, not sure exactly how it is programmed, but it reflected more than 1/16 of my convoke spells last time a warrior used it against me.

…Is this a real question?

Intimidating Shout or Storm Bolt. You know, CC?