With the new changes, is Holy priest PvP finally worthy and practical?
The healing itself is fine, but you continue to have no mobility in BGs. Disc mana and damage reduction CDs are simply better compared to holy. It feels good dropping some serenity nukes until you run out of cooldowns. The 3 instant cast heal when you apotheosis is a welcome addition.
With Restitution I dont even bother healing myself in Arenas anymore til after I die
Double PoM is amazing … with the amount of passive heals bouncing around, it gives more time to dispel off CD, and spam MC enemy healer
so far, in current gear, it’s middle of the pack in arenas. we’ll see if that remains the case; if damage gets as spiky as it was last season, we’ll most likely be back to the dumpster
wouldn’t recommend playing this unless you enjoy it just because you can resurrect. 1min guardian is pretty crucial especially with the prevalence of MS effects
I posted my thoughts on holy in s2 so far on the arena forums if anyone would like to read them. I’m not the best player in the world but I was one of four hpriests who managed to get glad last season
tl;dr is oracle with every talent that juices up pom and holy words. can also just copy my build; I log out in it