How is Fistweaving OK

Five or six years ago. Haven’t touched anything close since.

Doesn’t matter.

You are 100 xp higher. Not a blizzcon competitor.

please don’t bring my love life into this

Still waiting on that partner’s spec

You gonna keep waiting too. Not trying to hear some ridiculous BS from you just to come back around to FW healing output being too high.

Because you know revealing it will tell us why they did so much healing.

You’re like those people that were crying in BFA about bear druids doing so much damage in bgs

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What? Telling you my partners spec revealing why this spec you are fighting tooth and nail for meaning so much only further proves how dumb it is.

He did 7.1m healing while doing the same damage as me.

I did under 3m healing.

Atonement did 800kish while AT did 3.5m alone

More than all of my healing combined.

You telling me howto prevent it is absolutely besides the point.

You can LOS a Disc Priest to reduce atonement healing.

Also pretty sure it was Boomkin in BFA bears were in SL

I quit 2 weeks into s2 of slands so I’m 100% talking about bfa

It was a DK

So unholy?

Yep unholy.

So you’re single target dmg did as much dmg as his cleave did.
There is zero chance the dk and all his pet menagerie wasn’t standing in his blue line getting cleaved.
Sounds like it was his ideal situation to do that much dmg and healing.

This dude is bad.
I knew it as soon as he wouldn’t send the wargame.


I just find it funny he spent this entire time talking about fw and fls not being required, when the only way that much happened was because of huge amounts of cleave that requires targets being in the fls and even mentioned him doing same dmg that wasn’t cleave.

It’s good times


Ok. Cool man. So not exactly sure WTF you are even here for unless its to prove my point for me?

My ST did as much as his cleave? So should he be doubling my damage?

I saw some misinformation in this thread and I thought I’d clear it up

  • Awakened Faeline and Ancient Concordance now linger for 8 seconds after leaving Faeline Stomp.

This was in the 10.0.5 patch notes so Vendes is right they can actually heal outside of it. It was a QoL PvE buff

I need to stop reading this thread before my face gets stuck in a permanent cringe

Where did I say that?
However, if you don’t understand the significance of what it means for someone to do enough ST it matches the cleave of another then there is literally no hope for you.

Those changes don’t let faeline reset, it only helps heal for a short period off the line, but to maintain the buff and large numbers it requires being on the line for extended periods of time to help it reset and to refresh the bonus dmg done and healing done too.

I shouldn’t have to explain this to you

I have played bit of fistweaver and can say that it’s far from braindead in the sense you think it is. You have a lot of buffs you have to track 24/7 (ATOTM, Faeline, Alpha tiger), as opposed to 0 as a non-fistweaver. You have to know when to essence font vs throwing another faeline down, know when to hold ur damage incase your team is about get spiked with dmg (game awareness), and knowing how to live.

There is a reason that most mws that try to fistweave do horrible, even if they’re decent at the caster version of MW. It’s basically a WW that has to track their buffs all the time, stay within 30 yards of their teammates, make sure to cleave, try to avoid a lot of cc, rotate correctly, and on top of that heal your teammates.

When I tell you it’s hard, there are MWs in the top 10 that have tried to fistweave and couldn’t play it well enough and went back to the caster version. In my experience if you aren’t REALLY good at fistweaving it’s gonna feel bad. I wanted to give up when I first started playing it because it was annoying to learn.

The reason it looks OP is because there are about 4 fistweavers that play fistweaving at a high level and 2 of them stream it that are very good at it, and have been playing MW for a long time, not just FOTM rerollers. I have seen very good streamers try to play fistweaving and they just give up.

In terms of nerfing fistweaving, you cannot do that. It’s not OP in 3s unless you play with a brewmaster (nerf brewmaster). If you nerf it, it’ll be bad in 3v3, bad in 2v2 as you already have 1 less target to do dmg/heal off of. I’d say blizzard shouldn’t make heavy changes due to what happens in SS. They normally have made changes based on what they see in 3vs3 and whatever happens in AWC.

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