How is Fistweaving OK

Better question is are you ready for sword and shield ret in 10.0.7?

im ready for mw to continue to receive buffs because it’s still a garbage healer despite what our 1 trick friend here thinks

Im concerned that you feel that you are superior to me somehow whhen ive got your XP on like every healer in the game.

somehow i alted a healer higher than you

it was a MW tho and they’re op i guess so…


I got my 2700 playing mistweave spec because I have a broken wrist. Can’t press my fistweave binds fast enough.

Mw has been busted for a while in terms of strength as far as ladder goes.

Exp that ironically stopped existing the moment blazing boost stopped selling wow boosts. Now your rating is so low that even Blizzard feels bad for you.


I’m not a healer and I’m not crying about how things works. You’re playing badly, it’s your fault

Destro/Hpriest has seen better days.


looking at representation of mw, i’m more inclined to believe that you’re just better than people rather than mw is op

Even if I played poorly vs FW its healing output would still be too high. Because the two are not mutually exclusive.

What was the dps spec of your partner?

Why does it matter?

Answer the question or admit you’re just crying

Hard to admit ur just bad?


No. Because it’s irrelevant.

you not knowing why it matters is exactly why you’re struggling to some of the easiest things to counter…

it’s because certain dps can pressure a MW enough to have them go away or even kill them


Oh but it’s not

Bro who the fuk are you?

No one cares