How is fire mages in DF?

Reminds me of a dk on the dk forums she is always saying she speaks for the entire forums of all the dk players on what she wants but what she wants is against what everyone post. You will find her in almost every dk post and arguing just to argue


I kind of want to make a bait post in there now :joy:

Do it you will find the dk I am talking about she hates 2h and her name starts with a K easy to find same person all over the forums posting just to argue

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Idk why people even complain about 200k Pyros tbh. That only happens with [Pyroclasm] but the way people phrase it itā€™s like weā€™re getting that all the time during [Combustion].

And thatā€™s mostly people playing the [Tempered Flames] build, which is stupid to begin with.

not if you are trolling BGā€™s hoping to get someone to make a reddit post about how unfair fire mages are so blizz kneejerk nerfs them.

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Mage hasnā€™t been good in RBGs in a long time. Damn, I miss doing RBGs.

You dont have to be good to troll random BGs

Well, it isnā€™t about pyro hitting for 150k, it is about Pyro hitting for 300k+


I am sure if I look, there will be other logs that show 300k+ and possibly into the 350k-400k.

Point being that is a crap ton of damage and other mage specs canā€™t compete with it.

the real Tuning hasnt even started yet, that normally gets dropped in super last minute. They can buff\nerf stuff in pvp combat only so i wouldnt expect it to go live.

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Well that is what happened to enhancement shaman in bfa. Because a turbo team won thanks to enhancement healing blizzard nerfed Enhancement healing into the ground and not for pvp but just in general it was nuked.

It seems blizzard cant look at full situations and make appropriate actions they just knee jerk react. It needs to stop.

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Pyro build is a legit alternative playstyle for fire in raid anyway. M+ will require too much movement for it, and 200k hard cast pyros are possible on beta with pyroclasm talent, trinket and int potā€¦

Mage is plenty good in RBGs. Unless you are terribly geared or bad, itā€™s super fun and can be really deadly.

Itā€™s probably the worst caster for RBGs.