How is Evoker for PvP?

Hi, I’m thinking of leveling a third class for PvP to level 80 now.

I have this warlock and a mage. Now, I’m debating between priest or evoker.

I have no understanding of Evoker, but I like to play support for a change.

How is augmentation and preservation? I like the idea of boosting everyone else’s DPS and buffing them during PvP.

However, are the 3 Evoker specs viable for PvP at all, especially over a priest instead?


All 3 specs of evoker are really good right now from my experience and from my own research. Preservation is a contender for best healer and dev is a contender for best caster dps. Aug doesnt have a lot of representation atm but it might be good, dont know enough to say.

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Devokers are insane atm!

Pretty great, though I do consider them fairly tricky. Evokers have a rather wide tool kit and you really want to be using all of it to get the best mileage out of them.

Something like affliction warlock or holy priest will always be easier, so it depends how dee you want to get into things

I played preserv in DF Solo Arenas on S1, the spec is really fun and great to play as healer. Now with hero talents(chronowarden) it’s just even better. You should give it a try.

I dont know much about priest. But i feel as healer, in pvp if they start focusing on you, you cant escape. With evoker it’s a lot easier to flee. So many movements possible.

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Scale Commander is kind of like regular devastation in that it’s all about just laser beaming but it gained a little bit of nuance with singling people out for a buffed disintegrate versus cleaving with it.

Flame shaper is a little bit different in that you still have the laser beam but you also have the ability to gamble on killing your target instantly once you have your engulf burst ready.

Scale commander is super fun, really good into Draco cleave, I struggle to imagine a spot for flameshaper

Pres is probably the best healer with melee cleave and still above average for everything else. Again struggle to see how flameshaper would be used when chronowarden is just so good. Chrono flames are so good!!!

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Pretty sure Pres is the best healer in PVP though disc is up there too.

Also, I am shocked dev only got a 10% nerf to disintegrate in PVP. They do a LOT of damage.

They still easier to kill

Preservation is great in 3v3 and probably the best healer in the game in 2v2. It kind of falls off in RBGs a bit just because your range is so short you’ll end up getting caught in the blender.

I haven’t tried Devastation or Augmentation yet.

I tried Aug in solo shuffle earlier and… It was not a pretty sight.

Maybe I’m just bad (possible) but I was getting shredded and I didn’t really feel like I was helping my allies at all. It’s near impossible to keep buffs up because my empowered spells just keep getting interrupted. Maybe Aug in Solo Shuffle requires more skill than I currently have.

Augmentation really sucks in arenas.
but I believe that devastation and preservation will do very well, especially preservation.

nah, aug does not require more skill in arena, it’s not designed to be playable in arena period. You can’t do anything when 90% of your spells require you to hard cast.
Aug is purely a PVE spec. Or maybe in BG raids where there are so many people that could be ignoring you

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ATM preservation is one of the best healer in PvP amd evo is really strong.

My fear is they are prone to becoome useless in one single patch due to their toolkit.

They mostly bring strong numbers and very little utility.

They shine cuz of their raw dmg or healing numbers mostly.

In comparasion, rogue and mage have an insane toolkit that make them viable even if you nerf their damage number.

But atm evoker are a lot of fun in PvP.