How is everyone enjoying Shadow lands?

What’s everyone’s feelings, hot takes, and unpopular opinions so far?

Davos/Uther did nothing wrong

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Taking my time putzing around in Bastion but so far so good.

Oh: Bastion is also too bright. I mean, it is Shadowlands.

Hands down the smoothest launch ever. Other than the immediate 6 PM rush, had no troubles getting into Stormwind, to Icecrown, and then into the Shadowlands.

Have absolutely hated the opening escape. While it may have been the smoothest launch, it is the worst story opening ever.


Having now gone through all four zones, I give it an… okay. It’s okay. None of the zones really blew me away story-wise. I liked Revendreth and Ardenweald. The opening to Maldraxxis was really fun but after that it became my least favorite zone by far. I’m not sure if ‘just okay’ is what I should be feeling at the launch of a fresh, new expansion, but we’ll see where it goes.

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I enjoy fishing so far! I’ve also already gotten a pet so that’s a plus there. The zones are good to look at and I like that they don’t stop me from using travel form in the Maw. I like how professions are looking so far.

I despise the story and I don’t see that opinion changing at all. The flight between zones is so uninspired. I really thought Spyro did these quasi-loading screens so much better by having you look at literally anything other than the Livestream ray. You’d THINK there’d be some beautiful scenery to fly through given how much work is put into these sky boxes but whatever.

I haven’t gotten very far so these opinions are just to start with, but I cannot feasibly see myself roleplaying much at all this expac. Not only does it feel like I have to choose between Azeroth and the new material, but since I hate the story I don’t even feel inspired enough to care to RP in it. I’ll keep playing, keep doing what I enjoy, but my hopes are tepid.

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I’m having a blast so far. I was really skeptical at first but everything has blown me away. The zones, the story, the quests, and all the new races we’ve met. Great start honestly. I’ve only run two of the dungeons, they’re ok. I give it an 8/10 right now.

The only thing that has been a bit of a downer hasn’t been the game itself at all. Updating my add-ons has proven to be a bit of a pain. Or more specifically, updating Elvui. Even premium members aren’t able to log in to check for updates until later in the evening, so I’m losing an hour or two of play time every night so far. Not a big deal though. The game itself has been great.

As always, the art and music are solid as ever. Shadowlands is especially wonderful with how alien yet majestic a lot of its environments are, my favorites being Bastion and Ardenweald. Gives me lots of Outland vibes.

The story so far is also pretty solid. I’ve seen everything but the Torghast cinematic, which I’m working my way towards atm, and it’s alright. I still have my doubts about anything Sylvanas-related, but I’ll have to wait and see how things play out.

The leveling experience was good too, and from the looks of it, the new “Threads of Fate” mechanic is going to make leveling alts a lot more enjoyable, which I’m excited for should I decide to try it out. However, max level content is another story entirely.

The moment I joined my covenant, I was overwhelmed, and in the absolute worst possible way. Soul-binds? Renown? Anima reservoirs? I don’t care about any of that borrowed power BS. I just want to proceed with my covenant campaign so I can see more of the aforementioned story, and the game wants to shove all these new mechanics in my face that I don’t understand nor care about.

Aside from that, I’ve been finding the most joy thus far in:

  1. Torghast
  2. Professions, which are extremely easy to jump into now thanks to skill levels being separated into expansion-based categories

As a side-note, I really hope I can actually find people to RP with within the Shadowlands itself, because the past few expansions have boiled down to there being this really cool new continent with cool new locations and environments, but everyone still decides to stick to two sections of Stormwind because herd mentality

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Not enjoying the storyline, its not intriguing me at all, but I will push through.

It’s freaking awesome! I’m loving Bastion.

I feel really torn. On the one hand, the zones are gorgeous, the atmosphere is stellar, and the gameplay is fun.

On the other hand, while I haven’t finished the campaign yet, I don’t see how ANY of these events will impact the average roleplayer in the lore, as this seems to be a very “omg I’m the hero in an epic side story” kind of plot, which is disappointing.

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I find this expansion interesting there is one thing though. My hubby and I had a loud discussion about it. In the prolog part when you first get into the Maw ( which by the way reminds me a lot of Diablo.) When you open the portal to get out and the Jailer shows up. I told hubby that everyone was captured again and our character was the only one to escape. -.- Then Mr Smart@** says no only Anduin was.
Someone clear this up because I am SURE that we have to go back in and get them (Thrall, Bain, Jania and Anduin) all out.

Wait, your husband said Anduin was the only one to escape? While the other trio got snared in chains, you (us as the players) were already at the gate thing and Anduin had time to use the Light to shield that both of you and you had time to escape while he stayed and got chained again.
They’re all stuck there.

Unless I missed something or something else happens in the story then you’re right. Maybe he was joking with you lol!

Lols well no he wasn’t joking and the Hubby said that only Anduin was captured.
I knew I wasn’t seeing things. The hubby isn’t very observant and he doesn’t like being wrong.

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Time to throw him into the Maw then xD!

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Anduin, Jaina, Thrall and Baine were all captured. You literally see everyone but Anduin (initially) get chained up in the cinematic

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Retracting this statement, story finally started getting interesting towards the end of Maldraxxus for me.

Spoilers for later stuff

Only Anduin is left captured after we rescue the other three in later quests, that’s what likely was confusing your hubby.

Story is A+
WPvP/Arenas/BGs are as fun if not more fun than MoP thanks to zero scaling of any kind and fast paced combat.

I don’t even care about the rest, this is all i needed to have fun.

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