How is everyone doing on keybinds?

Big brain protip, will try this, thanks!

That wasn’t a real macro btw. And I typed the abyssal healing pot part wrong - should have had a closed bracket after ctrl. Here’s my actual healing surge macro which I have bound to “B”. I use a separate binding for “Ctrl B” for the heal pot since I like to be able to see it separately on my bar.

#showtooltip Healing Surge
/cast [mod:alt, @focus] [target=mouseover, help, nodead] [help,nodead] [target=player] Healing Surge

I have all my heals, including earth shield, with mouseover macros so I can just mouse over people’s party/raid frame and heal them w/o switching targets. So, if I have a focus (in M+ for example, I set the tank as my focus) and hit alt B, it’ll heal my focus, if I mouseover something and hit B it will heal my mouseover target. If I have an actual friendly targeted, it would heal the friendly (assuming no other friendly mouseover target), and if I have nobody friendly targeted (targeting a mob) and I don’t mouseover a friendly or hit alt then it will heal me.

Yea I’m familiar with the mouseover macros, idk how anyone heals w/o those lol.

I actually have quite small hands/fingers. I’m only 5.4ft.

I guess I’ve always used them thanks to Windows shortcuts, and my 5 year data entry stint didn’t hurt.

Mind you, I only use numbers up to 5, including the tilde key, but my shift/alt/Ctrl variants only go up to the 4 key.

I completely avoid the “F” keys. Those feel completely awkward to me.

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All my spells are bound to guitar hero drums :sweat_smile:


Tremor totem pulsed so if you dropped it just as the fear was used it would pulse and remove the fear.

blizzard never makes more than 5 buttons worth pushing, even if the spec has 30+

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The only ability on enhance I don’t regularly use is farsight.

Same, I use pretty much all my cooldowns at least once in a boss fight :thinking:

Except that tremor totem lol

If Blizz wants me to use more than 36 keybinds I’m gonna start clicking.

it’s a horror show, bars are filled up with abilities of all sorts of limited usefulness that will be a pain to manage and use quickly

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Well you don’t need to keybind everything. Lightning/Water shield can just be set the side and clicked prior to the fight.

Also I use macros that change the ability based on whether it’s a friendly target, enemy, or myself.

I’ve started combining some macros so I don’t have to worry about binding additional spells, they just stay bound to the same macro. For example based on spec, I don’t always have both Earth Shield and Downpour talented.

/cast [talent:6/2, @cursor] downpour; [target=mouseover, help] Earth Shield; [help] Earth Shield; [target=player] Earth Shield;

Only caveat is if I have both talented this macro will only cast one spell.

you need access to a lot of it and quick access to a lot more things than before, more than is comfortable

EDIT: but of course, not just shaman. I would macro a ton, but it’s all on the GCD so you really can’t do that effectively, seems worse for shaman though, with all the totem junk

Who needs keybinding as long you don’t die in fire and be decent player?

Your wrist must hurt from all the clicking

How long have you played a shaman?

My wrist is never hurt from clicking with my keys and mouse