How is DH tanking?

Say compared to Paladins & Druids? Is it a beginner class for tanking? I’ve tanked a few small keys but I haven’t really pushed 20’s except for healing and just trying to see which class resonates with me the most so I thought I’d give Demon Hunter a go. Thoughts?


There are 2 builds. One is super easy, very tanky, kinda mid dps wise. It involves getting basically free resets on demon spikes.

Once you have the hang of it, you can try the harder build. It’s harder to keep up your mitigation, but you have more DR and more DPS.

Do not try the harder one out the gate. You’ll be miserable and so will your groups.


Is the easier build listed on Icyveins or Wowhead?

I got it from

But it’s the one with resets on Spikes and cheat death, but does not have stacking frailty.

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DO NOT use the last resort and spikes build, that build is worse and less tanky than people think and it teaches your very bad habits that cant be easily unlearned. if you want a cheat death then spam run falls for stonescale, tis 10000% times better than lastresort. also please do not use stuff like murlock io

ultimately vdh tanking is very interactive that hard requires you to play your rotation well to tank well. we are a leech damage tank like bdk in terms of main mitigation with hard drs like prot paladin like fiery brand. ultimately i wouldnt it call it a beginner friendly tank but i will call it one of the fun tanks after its recent reworks. if you want to know mroe then i invite you to the demon hunter classcord for more info and log reviews to help you learn and be the best vdh you can be

there is no t alent that resets demon spike, please dont suggest this build to others.

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