How is Classic Cataclysm W/O heirlooms?

I was initially excited for Classic Cataclysm, but then I remember what it was like when I first started playing (during MOP). I had no heirlooms, and I did struggle with certain classes and I wasn’t satisfied until I tried hunter. But then in dungeons, I remember doing terrible DPS and it seemed like most people had heirlooms and did all the damage. I eventually managed to do heroic dungeons to get JP to buy heirlooms. Should I expect Classic Cataclysm to be frustrating this time around until I obtain heirlooms?

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of course. everyone will be fully decked out in tier 10 and you won’t.

I assume you are being sarcastic, but I hated being in dungeons and doing almost zero damage. And the one time I tried a BG I was one-shotted over and over . Actually, I am being to think that most people who play Classic Cataclysm will have been playing Classic Wrath so probably a lot of people will have heirlooms. I remember the game being much easier when I got my heirloom bow (since I really only played hunter when I started).

Do you mean from 80-85, after people have upgraded and gotten all the new heirlooms, or before?

Or do you mean just leveling alt after alt from level 1?

Heirlooms are the number 1 reason I’m not interested in Cataclysm Classic. I had most heirlooms by the time it came out first time around but I hated feeling like I needed them to contribute to dungeons and not die in one hit in battlegrounds.

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The damage output is not that important when you’re leveling. Ofc heirlooms give better stats than the quest gear probably, but thats not indicative of your skill. I honestly wouldn’t worry about being out dps’d in dungeons while you’re leveling. Have fun! Its only important once you get into raids and progression content.

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In Wrath classic folks were getting kicked from the first dungeon for not being in full Sunwell gear. :dracthyr_shrug: