How is Bonedust Brew Not getting a buff?

Isn’t this only for single target? Isn’t necro better for aoe?


In theory on paper like sims yes but in actual logs never once has an equally geared and equally played nerco beat a kyrian in aoe or even single target.

Its a complete paper tiger.

This seems like people are just playing necrolords poorly… plus you’d only really see necrolord shine in mythic plus which isn’t regularly logged right? Since no matter the fight single targetting down the boss is the most important thing

Talby did a great write up on it and even pulled logs on it.

Kyrain weapons of the order spamming spinning crane kick actually beats bone dust brew by 2k+ on aoe.

The fault is when the target dies so does the bonedust. So it only lasts until the mob dies but weapons of the order keeps going for the full 40second (+6 additional seconds if you grab your orbs).

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That’s the golden variable. Most trash is dieing before the duration of the debuff.

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The problem with fallen order is that it’s just a lame ability. It feels so awful to press. Not saying it’s bad but it being a 3 minute cooldown with no immediate effect with the most boring mechanics possible. Why does the MW fallen order even spawn damage monks? It feels more like a penalty than a bonus

It doesnt help that all of the leather looks like poop except Kyrian.

I mean, yea, I hear ya. The Night Fae isn’t bad though.

But really, with a 1,000 transmogrification options, that isn’t the issue. It’s the potency of Weapons of Order and Pelagos

I go from 25% mastery to about 50% when WoO/the Pelagos buffs are going at the same time (and then I some more mastery from the quantum device gives me another 20 and knocks it up to 70%).

The Theotars first ability does give more mastery than Pelagos’ ability, but doesn’t last as long nor is usable everywhere. That and the Fallen Order ability doesn’t really mesh with it at all like the Weapons of Order does with Pelagos.

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Welp looks like the release candidate is slated for launch. Anyone test the 20% more stats on the Fallen Order goons? Does it feel like Ashen Hollow yet?

I see we got hit with a bunch of nerfs… I mean bug fixes though.

Xuen will now be cc by everything to include hibernate… nothing is able to be hibernated in this game currently but hey why not monks top dps cooldown.

SCK is losing stacks faster if you kill the mobs.

Didn’t Bonedust Brew get an indirect buff if using Shaohao’s Might? To my knowledge Bonedust Brew is the only Covenant Ability that benefits from Brew resets and that legendary was just buffed like 1000%.

I’m genuinely curious how Shaohao + Necrolord is going to operate now, especially for Brewmaster. Actually came to the forums looking for someone who tested it out but it looks like no one is talking about it.

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I’ve tried it. With that legendary u can get ur brews so insanely fast. Really good for pve. I’m still sticking with kyrian tho cuz the dmg is so serious. Plus the 9.1 kyrian soulbinds are far superior to the necro ones

I’m necro brm and I went with shaohao’s first, but as you can see from my gear, I’ve gone the keg route. The buff was not enough imo, I think if they want this to be a competitive the shaohao leggo has to reduce cost of tiger palm by 50%. We still need to keep shuffle up either way, and that just eats into our resources.

So I went Stormstout’s Last Keg because I still get an extra 3 seconds off my brews with it which is the equivalent of Shaohao’s procing 3 times, I get another ranged threat ability, and it actually plays really well with bonedust brew as the aoe hits more mobs and procs more extra damage. And ofc, shuffle is up basically all the time and I don’t have to “sacrifice” my energy to keep up shuffle vs more tiger palms.

I love shaohao’s in theory, but it needs more to make it good enough to use over keg.

Completely agree. Tiger palm energy SHOULD be reduced by 50%. I miss when tiger palm cost no energy…