How is a 50% wall on a 1min cd not mechanically broken?

Hpld needing buffs aside, does nobody see an issue with giving a spec a 50% wall, usable in stuns, on a 1min cd?

Again no issues with Hplds getting buffs, but this just seems like a mechanically broken thing to give any spec.

Anyways the real topic of this thread is Nerf MM.


Is this what you’re looking at?


Ooph is it actually only 20%? I read it as increased to 50%. My bad.

Nerf MM

Err 15?%


Uh, not sure, actually. I thought it was nerfed by half to 10% so now it’s…15%? Maybe?

Thought they reset it to 10% this expansion which is why it was bad, so 15% now if increased by 50%?

Hpal wall is 30% in pvp after buffs.

u could make hpal wall 90% and it’s still a useless garbage spec that doesn’t move health bars so it doesn’t matter.

Playing hpal feels like I’m still level 70


Hpal could have 50% wall 30s cd rn and they still get absolutely stomped


Yeah def not saying Hpld doesn’t need buffs, just misread and thought it was a 50% wall which made it a super broken ability.

Exposed for not being able to read.


Gave you a like for this.

Imagine reworking a spec just for it to continue to be :poop:.

This is the first expansion I leveled a different healer for my healing alt over my hpal; still feels a bit wrong but.

Seems clear they don’t play hpal in pvp (or any class really) and only balance around raids where hpal is pretty good.

This was my attitude as well.

When I saw that change I was like “well at least we’ll be essentially unkillable every minute.”

Then I go in-game and it’s 30%. Pathetic.

I could take 90% reduced damage at all times and still lose the game because my class doesn’t do any healing

its actually wild how you didn’t take a second to do actual research or even read the notes before posting this

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Prefer blind misguided outrage instead of researched facts and thought out discussion.