How is 8.1 treating you so far?

Well, I don’t know. I have zero lag, and this;

Not sure if that’s great, but that’s what I get?

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I am furious after one minute.

-No 30% reduction to the next heart level in AP Power

-Turn Ins Nerfed.


Getting massive lag so much so even doing the World Quests is a chore.Giving up tonight and will wait until tomorrow to play.

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I was in the new WF and it was awful and laggy … so not good so far

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I haven’t installed it. :smiling_imp:

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yeah wondering why I am getting two shot by Blightgut died 6 times can’t finish the quest line


More chorecraft, but now with additional bugs.


Fair to so-so. What Blizzard did not mention was the new feature Lag. Took so long in the new warfront to down Sira, figured we would be done by next Tuesday.

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Not bad at all, hopefully the Highmountain grind will be worth it now.

Very good, enjoying it quite a bit actually.

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Canceled 2 days ago. Nothing about the patch notes or details made me think it was going to fix any of the problems the game has. All this about fixing Azerite (A month away), Raid (Month+), Class balance (Blizzard did the old "Nerf the good classes instead of making the crap ones better, lol poor shamans/priests who got some minor number tweaks instead of a full xpac redesign they needed) etc etc etc. Warfronts still suck. Islands still suck.

No desire whatsoever to log in at all so I just decided not too.


i dont actually play a blood elf or dwarf so there doesnt seem to be any content for me. oh well maybe next expansion


There is honestly very little in it.

Even the touted “war campaign” is gated until january… so if you got 15 minutes to kill per week.

Can’t really use currency yet, certainly not worthwhile for S1 gear.

Couple of new PvP craftable items that you likely outgear by now.

2 heritage armor sets (1 per faction) assuming you play either of those races or have them in your character stable.

Yep…today feels exactly like yesterday - not good.


So far, not very impressed. The nightwookie scenario dialogue is atrocious which I kind of expected. The Nightshore battlefront is well… I’m not really thrilled since it’s so dark it’s hard to play (I’m older and have less than perfect vision).

I’m also a bit confused in that I got flagged for PVP in Nightshore (on my way down the coast) but have no idea how - I didn’t heal anyone. I didn’t attack anything Horde tagged (just a couple of rare spawns). I don’t get how it happened as I’m normally very careful about only flagging when I want too. I’m going to guess it’s a bug.

So far though… it’s only been a couple of hours so I’m holding off on too much judgment.



honestly pretty bad. due to pc issues I had to jump through hoops to get it to download, (person problems I know.) but now that I have the update up and running all my addons wont load what so ever. :frowning: if anyone has any idea how to fix plz help. yes I updated them after installing the patch.

Not sure if its showing up on my avatar but IM SO FREAKING PRETTY NOW

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I finished Darkshore, -10/10

Doing alright I suppose, got the War Campaign done (until the raid anyways), did the questline for Teldrassil’s Shadow, and the Warfront is pretty fun, though like the first one, I don’t think I will be doing it much other than the one quest for it.

edit: Forgot to mention that I don’t think the azerite required for each level went down 30% today like it has been, at least I don’t think it did today.

So far it’s been mixed for me. I enjoyed the Night Warrior quests and I’m looking forward to leveling a new character. But between the insane lag and the Incursion ending right before I finished the quest, I’m about ready to give up for a day or two while things settle down.

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Spent 40 minutes in an impossibly laggy warfront for zero loot and no achievement. Thanks, I think.