How is 8.1 treating you so far?

Well considering my rework was nothing more than a Neutral rearranging… its the same as yesterday.


So far, horrendous lag - like deadly game ending lag.


Considering that I completed a (very laggy) Darkshore warfront, and my quest for doing so did not complete, it’s not been the best experience. Quite frustrating honestly.


I’m waiting for when I can log in and play. I have alts to level, and I have some dwarf gear to go and get. :slight_smile:

I logged in to have a look and pick up quests, and something has changed in the way it looks. It looks AMAZING. I don’t know if it’s the patch or my computer or what, but something changed, and everything look like a higher resolution or something. Anyone know what that is about?

I’m excited for the Darkshore warfront and the dwarf armor.

The game folder structure has changed, so it broke a few custom fonts and sounds I had in place. It took about 20 seconds to work out where they belong now. Fixed.
People are reporting bugs here and there so we’ll see how things go.

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Quoted for truth.


How come Blues don’t have those animated avatars anymore?



  • The flight maps in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor have been updated to a higher resolution.

Absolutely awesome! Very cool! I have always, always wondered why those maps were so ‘dullish’ looking.

Great job Blizzard!

Edit - Truth be told, I’ve always had to squint kind of to in busier areas on that map. Now I can zoom in! :smiley:


The war campaing is so good. I know that like taste, colors. But I am enjoying it so much.
Aside from lag issues (like every new patch/expansion), the first day has been done pretty well.
I am a simple man. I get fun, I press like.


I want my Horde FP thing for my alts.

well its laggy as hell, and theres nothing to do outside of the few war campaign quests that are too laggy to be played with any level of enjoyment, and theres a ton of bugs according to all the people here… so, its going exactly as well as I expected a BfA patch to go. Are you guys done or what? I feel like yall have really thrown in the towel when it comes to making things your players want… at this point I honestly think you would be better off giving BfA the WoD treatment, so just write it off as a complete turd that cant be polished and get to work immediately on another xpac that you try to redeem yourself with… you just keep trying to tell us youre listening to feedback, but we never see those changes we been asking for. it feels like youre just leading us on at this point to try and milk it for every last cent you can before the entire community realizes how terrible its become and leaves you entirely and permanently.


Blizz stock down almost 40% since October and they give us this polished turd. No better word for it that is legal here… I’m gonna enjoy watching this stock keep falling. Ion needs to go, heads need to roll for this pile of crap.


sits on their lawn chair, watching the dumpster fire that is called BfA


careful, I already got a temp ban for saying the same thing… they don’t like it when people tell them the truth or try to tell them what they need to hear.


Insane lag in the warfront and bugs galore. Not happy.


I’ve noticed a massive performance increase even before swapping dx11, so much so that I though maybe some of my settings were bugged and reading high/ultra when they weren’t but going over it it seems to be okay. So I’m not sure.


If they censor my voice on here they can kiss my sub goodbye. First time I’ve logged on in weeks… and it’s to this pile of crap.

BLIZZARD!!! Ever heard of the engineering principle “fail fast, fail early, fail often”? Well, you’re failing fast, didn’t listen to us then, didn’t take your failing approach and even apply it gracefully, and you are failing often with your implementation.

On second thought I’ll show myself to the door… i’m done for good. This was my last hope they’d actually do something with this game.


Bad news it very bug ridden. really hard to complete. had to force log three times. died twice.


yeah, they don’t care about engineering principles… they don’t care about quality or anything anymore other than money it would seem


For starters, the FPS increase is really nice to finally see. Even in crowded cities, I’m maintaining 50+ FPS at about a 9.5 on the graphics settings. And out and about, it’s over 100 FPS, so my 144 Hz screen has no tearing when quickly panning the camera around.

On the downside, there is some sort of nasty and quickly becoming very irksome input lag. My latency is fine - around 25ms as usual - but anything requiring screen element interaction is slow, appearing to behave as if in slow motion.

For example, I did an arch dig site, and there was a notable pause for a find to pop up. When I looted the arch find, another notable pause for the loot window to show up, and then again another pause for autoloot to actually loot it. And if there was a scroll or whatever that went into my bags, it was another notable pause to have it move into my bags.

it reminds me of the pause when opening up a profession window that has been going on for the past several weeks. Except now it isn’t limited to profession windows but seems to be most, if not all, windowed elements.

I’ve also had to /reload my UI several times, and logout and back twice, because things weren’t working right. For example, I went to buy a couple seals, and on the final window to click to complete the quest to finalize the purchase of the seal, I couldn’t get it to work. Even reloading the UI failed, so I had to log out and back in, then it was fine.

I don’t know if that is an addon problem or not, but I had just checked for any new updated addons, and there were only a couple (like DBM). So maybe that goes away if addons get updated this week, or maybe it’s symptomatic of something else going on.

/moo :cow: